Switch part 2

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A/n: I GOT A NEW PHONE FINALLY WOOOOO. Other than that I'm probably not gonna post for the next three or so days bc of Christmas. For now, take part 2. it's long so be ready

Things were going smoothly, you'd managed to avoid dangerous situations and keep L safe. It was getting to the last stretch of the case, you had both death notes in your possession. And thanks to your inside knowledge, when you went to get them, you made sure everyone had their face covered, and they stayed that way.

It wasn't very comfortable, but it had to be done, both you and L had a face mask and sunglasses on, covering all facial features. Technically, this should be the point L dies. But if Rem can't see his face, she's powerless, Light doesn't have a death note, Misa doesn't have a death note and thanks to your inside knowledge, you stole Lights watch with the paper in it. When Misa went to get the second death note, you followed her and took it off her desk when she left.

All Kiras we're powerless, Higuchi is in prison, the only thing left to do is arrest Light and Misa, then burn the death notes.

This was your time to shine.

"Are you sure we've covered everything?" L asked, through his face mask.

"Yes, I've watched this show countless times, Kira is done for" you replied.

What the taskforce didn't know was you'd sent some professionals into Lights house to disarm the actual fucking flamethrower he had in his desk to burn the note of it was opened incorrectly. This was one of your pieces of evidence, as well as the contact with Naomi and Raye. Misa's evidence? The tapes, she recorded them over fake paranormal activity tapes, which can be traced back to her address since she and a friend would send into TV shows to mess with them. She said it all herself when she met Light.

They were cornered.

You stood up, clapping your hands together to get everyone's attention.

"Shinigami, I know you won't admit to it but I believe you have knowledge of Light Yagami and Misa Amanes involvement in the Kira case" you said.

"I know nothing" Rem replied.

"Really? But you were the one to drop the notebook in possession of Misa, you were the one that promised to kill L if it meant Misa was safe, you were the one that threatened to kill Light if he got Misa hurt. It's all because of the shinigami that saved Misa because he was in love with her? Jealous, I believe his name is"

Rem was silent, confused as to how you knew.

"Everyone listen up. I'm about to tell you everything that happened ever since that first death note hit the ground"

Everyone wanted to know what you had to say, even though they didn't want it to be true.

"Light, Misa, I believe you should listen"

They gave you a sour look.

"In his last term of high school, Light Yagami picked up the notebook dropped by the shinigami Ryuk. He didn't believe it was real at first, so he tested it on the criminal that held people hostage in a shop. When it worked, he had to see again to test weather or not it was a coincidence. He saw a girl being harassed by a biker gang so he used the book to hit one with a truck. That's when he decided it was time to become Kira. Or as he puts it 'god of the new world'. Then, Ryuk came down from the shinigami realm and met Light, by then Light had already began to act as Kira, killing in a schedule. This is when we noticed the patterns, when L challenged him on TV. Next, he experiments by killing inmates and controlling their actions. By now, L had sent FBI agents to investigate the taskforce members families. All of whom died. Note that Raye penber was investigating Light the day of the bus jacking, as shown on his working records. That's when Light found out his name by asking to prove he was an FBI agent after Raye told him not to prevoke the bus jacker and to trust him. Look in the note, the whole bus jacking event is written down, meaning, Light planned this"

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now