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A/n: taken inspo from the infamous black butler episode.

Head canon: much to his annoyance, he had to cross dress once.

"It's too dangerous for (y/n) to go! She was already caught at the last undercover mission!" Matsuda said.

"Misa can go" Light suggested.

"No way! Everyone will know who she is, she's a famous model"

"Well we don't have any other girls that can go!"

You were currently trying to figure out what the hell you could do about the current problem in the case. There was a party help by yotsuba that would be a the perfect way to get information. The only problem, it was a girls invite only. Both you and Misa couldn't go, last time you went undercover you were caught and Misa was too famous to attend.

"Well... it's not like we can hire someone to go, it's reveal Kira information to them" you said.

"We're screwed" Aizawa said.


Everyone turned to face you.

"One of you could cross dress"

The boys all looked at each other, it could work, but they didn't really want to do it.

"If you did we'd have to get a younger one of you to do it, and one that's not that muscular and more petite" you added.

That's when everyone looked over at L.

"What? No" he said.

"It's all we can do!" You said.

"Yeah, none of us could pull off a girl" Light said.

"But I have a deep voice" L replied, trying to get out of it.

"You could pretend to be mute" Misa suggested.

Everyone just stared at L, he was the only option.

"I'm not cross dressing, not to yotsuba! You saw how they were with Misa when she was with them for that spokesperson meeting!"

"You're the only chance he have L!" Matsuda said.

"Why can't Light do it?" He replied.

"L, if light were to do it, he's look like a drag queen disaster, he will not fill out a dress well" Misa said.

Light just nodded.

"Sayu put me in dresses when she was little, I looked awful"

"You're petit enough and with a wig and a little makeup, you have the right face shape" you said.

"You're our only hope" Mr. Yagami added.

L was silent for a moment, he really didn't want to wear heels and makeup but this was the last chance to get the information you needed. He sighed.

"Fine, but if I hear anything about this after, I'll fire you all" he said.

"Yes! Thank you L!" You said.

"Only one thing..." Misa said.

Everyone turned to look at her as she walked over to L.

"You're skinny sure but you don't have a woman's hips, you'll need to wear a corset" she said.

"Wha- no-"

"I have one!" You said.

"I'll get some makeup!" Misa said, running upstairs.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now