Comfort toy

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A/n: I have a few different ideas for this HC so expect multiple versions. And maybe some matching art.

Head canon: L has a comfort toy called Kai. He's a blue bunny and had been very very loved, he can't go anywhere without it.

You were cleaning up around taskforce since no one else seemed to do it. You'd stacked papers, done laundry and picked up all the wrappers left from the countless snacks around taskforce. You'd cleaned almost all the rooms.

You knew you shouldn't really go into L's room, but you wanted to finish what you started. You began to clean up how mess of a room, throwing all the clothes on the floor into the washing basket and cleaning up the mess of candy wrappers all over the place. You then got to the bed.

It was obvious he hadn't actually slept in it, but he'd definitely used the blankets for warmth as he worked as they were all tangled up, but the pillows were left untouched. You picked up the blankets and began to untangle them to lay them out neatly when something fell out of the mess of blankets onto the floor.

You looked down at your feet to find a blue bunny toy. You lay the blankets out first, then picked up the toy. It was definitely very loved, it had different colours of stitching were it had been repaired, it was faded, there were patches over damaged and it was missing an eye, a handmade eyepatch over it. You looked at the tag under the bunny's tail, in black permanent marker was the name Kai, looking like it had been written by a child.

This was definitely one of those sentimental toys that you're so attached you you can't get rid of.

"Cute" you mumbled to yourself, smiling at the thought of the cold, emotionless detective still sleeping with a toy in his twenties.

But you noticed something about it. The right arm was barely staying on, it was about to come off. The stitching has been torn and there was stuffing visible. That wasn't good, you should probably stitch it up.

You left the room with the toy and walked downstairs to try and find a needle and thread to patch up the arm. When you walked into the monitor room you saw L staring off into space, probably thinking about his work. When you walked past, he suddenly snapped out of it, noticing his beloved toy in our hands.

"What are you doing with Kai?" He asked.

"His arms going to fall off you know? I'm looking for a needle and thr-"

Before you could finish, his snatched Kai off you.

"NO! You can't patch him!" He exclaimed.

Well that was... new. Certainly not behaviour you expected from L...

"Wha- L, if you don't fix his arm it'll come off" you said.

"No... don't touch him"

That's when it hit you... this wasn't just a sentimental toy, it was a comfort toy. That toy had probably seen more tears, more fear, more trauma than anyone else in L's world had.

"L... his arms going to fall off. Do you want him to lose an arm?" You said, more softly this time.

"He won't be the same" he snapped.

Wow ok, now he was getting angry.

So if you left it, his arm would fall off and it would make L upset. But if you tried to fix it, it would make L mad because you're supposedly changing it... Well this was a tight situation. You looked at the detective holding the bunny in his arms, looking for a solution.

Hold on, the eyepatch. That was something L obviously added to Kai when he lost his eye. Maybe you could approach Kai as a human, and try and treat it like a medical situation?

"How about this. I put three re-enforcement stitches in the arm so it won't fall off, then wrap it up with a bandage so the stuffing doesn't come out" you suggested.

He was silent for a moment.

"You'll hurt him..." he mumbled.

"Sometimes you have to hurt the ones you love. Think of it like this, getting a needle hurts, but it will stop you getting sick. It's for the better, it'll only hurt for a little bit but then it's over"

L thought about it for a moment, and decided he would rather Kai have a bandaged arm than no arm at all. He sighed.


You smiled, glad you could come to a conclusion.

"I'll get a bandage and some sewing stuff" you said, getting up and going off to the other room to get he supplies.

When you returned you put everything on the desk and held out you hands for Kai. L hesitated but gave you the bunny. You used a thick, string thread and a knot stitch to make sure the arm would stay on with little stitching. You knew L was watching you like a hawk to make sure you didn't hurt his toy.

When you finished the stitches, you grabbed the bandage and cut a small length off the roll. You wrapped it around the bunny's arm over the stitches and tied it off with a little double knotted bow to make sure it stayed on.

"Done, Kai's little doctors visit is over" You said, handing Kai back to L.

He took Kai off you and ran his fingers over the bandage.

"T-thanks..." he replied.

"Don't mention it. I think Kai would rather have a slightly broken arm then lose one"

"Yeah... he would"

He looked at that toy like he was looking at the love of his life. He's obviously been through a lot with that toy.

"You... really love Kai Huh?" You said.

"He's the only childhood I ever had. I can't go anywhere without him..."

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now