Monster AU??

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Ok so I've had ideas for a monster AU one shot series for a while, but I thought I'd run L's design by you first.

Here's what he looks like.

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He's called a somnambule

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He's called a somnambule. ((Translates to night crawler))

There's different types of them in normal mythology but I picked this one bc I think it suits L.

somnambules are very quiet creatures. They don't really have a purpose, they roam the earth in search of something to do, they barely speak, they leave a trail of black ink like stuff wherever that go because they constantly drip it. If you were to run a hand though his hair, you'd end up with black stuff all over your hands. They cry black stuff constantly, when if they aren't sad.

They have a melting heart print on their chest, symbolic of the fact they have no purpose. Their eyes are completely black and they don't really have limbs but can summon hands and feet if they need to pick something up. They don't have many powers, floating and creating that black drippy stuff is about it. All their bodily fluids are black, tears, blood, spit etc.

Weather they are considered a spirit or phantom is up for debate.

Like those name suggests, they were active at night and like the darkness.

They spend their whole life looking for a purpose.

In the story, L being an orphan plays into the fact he has no purpose and was born to night crawler parents who didn't want to raise a child with no meaning when they themselves hadn't found their meaning, so they left him.

It's impossible to wash him properly, he just turns the water black with his drips. But still needs to be washed even if all it does is spread black everywhere.

L is taken to Wammy's by Watari ((a spell maker)) where he does all his normal L stuff like in the normal story. Watari does find a way to stop him dripping all over the floors, he lines them with plastic painting sheets and switches them out every few days. When having to take L somewhere, he had so basically hold an umbrella under his feet as he floats so he doesn't drip all over the place.

When Kira begins to attack, he goes to japan and meets the taskforce.

Matsuda is a woodland spirit, Aizawa is a fire elemental ((he can control fire and if he gets to angry he'll set fire to anything he touches)), I'm not sure what the rest of the taskforce should be.

Light is a demon, Misa is a succubus.

Lights parents are other both creatures of good magic, light ended up as a different species to them due to genes from his ancestors. So basically it skips a generation, so his parents are pure magic, but one of his grandparents is of black magic.

Ryuk and Rem still exist as normal, Shinigami are still considered a myth because no creature apart from them have the power to kill.

Everyone is slightly unsettled by L, just his empty eyes and his quiet he is can be very very unnerving.

I think it would be cool to have such a dark creature like L fall in love with a nice, happy creature.

So you'd be something like a fairy or mermaid or angel ((or something else of pure magic, any ideas??))

People also tend to not touch L because he'd get them all wet and stain them black. Do you care about this?? Nope, who cares if your white shirt turns black? It's L you're hugging here.

So how's this for an AU?

Would anyone like to see it?

If so what creature should the reader be?

Tell me in the comments plz.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now