Wammys urban ledgends

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Here's a few head canon things. Some urban legends that the kids at wammys are all over. Based on the headcanon that the wammys kids haunted the orphanage after they died.

•after L's death, it's an unwritten rule that on Halloween you have to leave one piece of your trick or treating loot candy aside for L's ghost.
- his ghost will sometimes show up on Halloween and play hide and seek with the kids by walking through walls or disappearing, everyone knows it's just L so they don't get scared. The kids never win, they never find him because he's too good at hiding so they just leave their candy out for him. And sometimes he'll show up in his old room so the kids go in there on Halloween night to sing him happy birthday in hopes his ghost will appear later to play hide and seek with them. It's rare but some kids claim to have actually seen him.

•no one is allowed to touch the last jar of jam, it belong to Beyond, if you take it, you'll be cursed with bad luck for a year.

•there are a few video games at wammys, and no one is allowed to touch the red controller because it was Matt's favourite, if you use it, it's cursed to make the game crash.

•to this day, there is still a score chart up in one of the classrooms, Mello and Nears names are the top for being top of the class. No one is allowed to get higher than Mello because it'll anger his spirit as it makes him 'second best'. Kids will deliberately get one question wrong so they don't score higher than him.

•when walking past A's old room at night you have to say goodnight to him or his ghost will be sad, that'll make you sad for the rest of the week.

•the orphanage is a rather old building so the floor boards creak a lot. When you hear the floors creak and no one is there, assume that it's either L, Mello, Matt, BB or A checking up on you.
-"dude did you hear that?"
"There's no one there"
"Don't worry about it it's probably just L"

•any mention of Kira will anger the spirits of L, Matt and Mello. The kids refer to Kira as 'him'.

•some kids claim to have been woken up by A's ghost when they're sad. He tell them to stay strong and not make the same mistake he did.

•there's a bowl of lollipops on the frost desk. Sometimes it'll be full to the top and the next day it will have moved or there'll be less then there were. That's L, don't worry about it.

•when playing video games, some kids claim to have heard someone telling them the short cuts and cheat codes. The kids assume this is Matt yelling them how to complete the game.

•whenever Near comes back to the orphanage to visit, the ghost activity seems to spike. All the kids think this is because L, Mello and Matt want to make sure Nears ok.

•those who claim to have seen the ghosts say that they aren't scary, they seem sad and are very calming. So the kids at the orphanage have a rule, of you see a ghost, don't panic, ask them if they're ok and see how they respond.

•L show up as a full body apparition, dressed in his usual clothes holding a lollipop, sometimes he'll be soaked and dripping but sometimes he won't. The theory is that when he's extra sad he goes all wet because he was standing in the rain the day he died.

•B shows up as either a shadow person or as an FBA. He had burns all over his body from trying to set himself on fire during LABB. He wears a prison jumpsuit from his time in prison and had glowing red eyes. The kids find his ghost the most creepy but know he's not here to hurt them and to just offer him jam if he approaches them.

•A shows up as a very misty FBA, he has a bruise around his neck from his suicide and is always crying. If you see A's ghost you have to ask him his he's ok and sit down next to him until he disappears again.

•Matt shows as an FBA carrying his broken goggles and covered in gunshot wounds. He'll follow you into the game room and watch you play video games for a while. If you can't play anything because the console is being used or it's past bedtime, you have to offer to fix his goggles. He'll hand them to you but when you try to touch them he disappears.

•Mello prefers to show up as a shadow person but when he shows up as an FBA, he'll show up in his normal leather attire and ask you were Matt is, you have to tell him where Matt's ghost was last sighted and he'll disappear to find Matt.

•outside those, they'll sometimes show up and just watch the kids, making sure they're ok. Sometimes you'll catch a glimpse of them in the halls or their old rooms.

•L is most commonly seen in his room, in Wataris old office or in the hall outside those rooms.

•BB is most commonly seen outside L's room since he was so love-hate obsessed with L or in the kitchen looking in the cupboards for jam.

•A is most commonly seen in his room or under the tree behind the orphanage.

•Matt is seen the most in the computer lab, the games room and some even say they see him down at the arcade at the shopping centre.

•Mello is seem most in the classrooms or library, as he spent a lot of time here studying to beat Near.

•it's rumoured that if you're in the successor program you have a better chance of seeing the ghosts.

•it's very very rare to see one of the ghosts but when they are seen you can guarantee all the kids will know about it the next day and it'll be the talk of the orphanage for weeks.

•everyone wants too see one because they think it's good luck, the spirits trust you with seeing them.

•last legend, no one will ever say L's real name, once the kids found out what it was they were told not to say it to protect L's identity even ever his death. But, it's said that if you really really need him, and you're under lots of pressure from the successor program, you can lure him out to help you by saying his name. Apparently this only works for kids in the successor program and even then for the kids in the successor program, he won't always show up. When he does show up, he'll help you with whatever you're doing by pointing to the correct answers or leads. He'll disappear after about 3 minutes so you have to use the time wisely.

That's it! You can add to these in the comments if you like.

L Lawliet x reader head-canon oneshots 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon