Chapter 34

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"You coming back to get her?" Ant asked as I dropped Heaven off

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"You coming back to get her?" Ant asked as I dropped Heaven off

After getting that call I decided to come drop her off before heading down to the Social workers office.

"I should be but honestly I'll let you know after I see why they want me down there so urgently"

"Okay be careful call me if shit gets out of hand" He told me

"I got you"

I gave him a hug before walking out heading towards my truck.

The way Laney's voice sounded when she called me let me know that whatever the hell she needed me to see was important.

I got in the car calling her phone just to make sure I knew where I was going

"Hello?" She answered

"Hey Laney I'm just making sure if I'm meeting you in your office or?"

"Actually Des I need you to head to the hospital"

When she said that my heart dropped. I had a bad history with hospitals do I hated them. But what was weird is why did she want me to meet her there? I knew everyone was good so I was still confused. 

"Are you really not going to tell me why?" I asked her

"Des just trust me please" She begged

"Fine I'll be there shortly" I told her before hanging up

I took a deep breath letting it out before pulling off.

I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect out of this. I was just hoping it was nothing bad.

In less than 20 minutes I pulled up parking the car. I turned the car off getting out closing the door. I made sure I locked it before making my way through the parking lot.

Walking in I called her

"Hello?" She answered

"Hey I'm at the front desk what do I do?"

"Stay right there I'm coming"She said hanging up before I could say anything else.

I put my phone in my purse just as she came up to me

"I'm glad you came" She gave me a hug

"I mean you didn't really give me much of a choice" I laughed a bit hugging her back

"I'm sorry but you're the only person I could think of calling"

"For what though Laney? All this suspense is killing me"

"Just follow me"

She started walking away leaving me no choice but to follow her. She led me down the hallway until she finally came to a stop

"Go in there" She told me

I looked at the room number before looking back at her.

"Just trust me" She told me

Without saying a word I walked into the room seeing a female laying there hooked up to the breathing machines.

"She was found beaten nearly to death outside her house" She told me

"What does she have to do with me though? I'm not a social worker nor do I work for the law firm anymore so I'm confused as to why I'm here"

"Take a closer look Des and you'll see why I called you" She told

I walked up closer studying her features. It took me a minute before I finally knew who this was.

"When did you find her?"

"Last night around midnight. Apparently she had gotten into altercation with a young man and he beat her pretty badly. She's in a coma and there's no knowing when or if she'll come out of it"

I took a step back not believing it.

"You were the only person who I could call. She had no phone or anything on her that let us know who she was. I just happen to recognize her when I seen her. I don't know Dave's information so I was hoping you could relay the message"

"And you couldn't tell me this over the phone?"

"Desire I know your history with her. If I told you that it was her you probably wouldn't have came or even heard me out. This was the only way I could insure you actually came" She said having a point

I didn't know what to say. I know me and Layla don't have the best history but considering the fact that I've been in her shoes before I feel for her.

Regardless she was a women who didn't deserve this.

I just felt bad for Dave. Like he just can't seem to catch a break either. We all saw how he reacted to losing one sibling god forbid he loses another one.

"And that's not the worst part" She said coming back in with a little girl in her arms

"Who's that?"

"Her daughter. She was found sleep in the car" She said breaking my heart

"Can this get any sadder" I said going over to her taking the little girl out of her hands

"I swear it feels like stuff you only see in movies"

"Tell me about it"

"Well at this point it's up to you whether you take her in while her mother recovers or send her to foster care"

"I'm taking her. There's no way I'm letting a baby this young into the system" I said

Even though me and her mother don't exactly get along I'm not about to turn my back on this little girl. And I'm sure Kain and Dave wouldn't want that either.

"Just sign her then so they know that you're taking full responsibility for her" She handed me a clipboard with papers.

I signed everything and she handed me the diaper bag I'm guessing that was found with her.

"Well time to meet your uncles" I told her causing her to giggle as she played with my necklace "Tell mommy bye" I grabbed her little hand waving as I looked at her once more time before making my way out

I walked through the hospital until I got to the front entrance

I put her hoodie up making sure to cover her ears since it was a little chilly before walking out heading towards my car.

I don't know how this was going to turn out but let's just hope everything is for the best.

I texted Dave and Kain telling them to meet me at my house asap.

Hopefully nobody goes crazy




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