Chapter 14

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"See you soon" The officer laughed as he opened the door for me to walk out the station

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"See you soon" The officer laughed as he opened the door for me to walk out the station

"Man fuck you" I mugged him

"See that's the type of behavior that got you in here in the first place" He laughed

I decided to stay quiet cause I wasn't tryna go back right now.

About 2 days ago I got arrested for Public intoxication after I got black out drunk at a club and tried to walk home.

Apparently I was tryna fight everyone in my way so they called 12 and them niggas lock my ass up.

They wanted to give me a month behind bars but decided to just fine my ass a grand and call it a day. I was honestly tired of they asses locking my ass up for bullshit. Like all I'm trying to do is live life and enjoy myself.

I have no worries so why can't I get drunk asf if I want to? They really be over doing it

I walked to the cab that was waiting for me getting in. They soon pulled off taking my ass all the way home

I honestly didn't want to go back to the crib because the constant fighting between Layla and Nataya be giving me head aches and shit.

The cab pulled up to the crib. I paid him then got out and headed inside.

"I told you to clean the fucking kitchen Layla" I heard Nataya yell

"Here we go" I mumbled walking into the kitchen seeing them standing in each others faces.

"You ain't my mama so I don't gotta listen to shit you fucking say to me" Layla yelled at her with so much hatred

"Incase you forgot our moms dead. I'm the oldest so what I say fucking goes"

"Woah chill the fuck out. All ya'll fucking do is argue. Nataya you only been living in this crib for a couple months so chill the fuck out. You don't run shit ight. And Layla the least yo ass can do is clean around the house. You're 18 but can't even wash a damn dish come on now. You got no job. You dropped out of school and can't even clean the fucking house? The fuck you gonna do? Be a fucking bum?" I told her

Lately Layla hasn't had any fucking chill. Like I know Rome's death affected her but damn this shit is to fucking much. She doesn't do shit but stay on the phone with that nigga Rashad or be at his crib. 

Her rooms a fucking mess and she can't even wash a damn dish.

"Why is everything a problem for you now? Me not doing nothing never mattered to you but now you try and make me feel bad about it every chance you get" She yelled

"Layla chill the fuck out shorty before I break yo damn neck. Before you were still in high school and playing sports. Desire wanted you to focus on school so she did all the work around the fucking house. But now yo ass 18 fucking pregnant and a damn drop out. What fucking excuse you got not to do shit around the house? You literally don't do shit but be on that fucking phone all day or at yo nigga's house. Grow the fuck up and be a fucking woman" I yelled back

"Don't ever say that bitches name in this fucking house. And I'm grown so I can do what the fuck I want. You ain't my daddy and she shol as hell ain't my mama"

"You know what get out. I'm tired of your fucking mouth G. You saying I ain't yo daddy but I've done more for you than his bum ass. Who's the one making sure you straight now? So fucking ungrateful. I don't care where you go just get the fuck out" I told her walking away

I was tired of her acting like she ran some shit.

I walked in my room seeing my bottle of Henny was still here. I walked over to the bed taking a seat grabbing the bottle chugging it.

This was exactly what I needed. A buzz.

I went into my drawer grabbing my bud rolling me a fat wood. I laid back in bed sparking the wood inhaling it.

"You're always fucking drinking and smoking" Nataya said coming in killing my whole vibe.

"And you're always fucking complaining"I snapped

"Dave you're a fucking alcoholic. You're literally drinking and smoking your life away. That's all you fucking do"

"Then let me be a fucking alcoholic in fucking peace damn. I don't need you telling me how to live my fucking life. If I want to drink my life away then fuck it damn. You worry about what tricks yo ass gonna do on the damn pole"

"You're a fucking asshole. I don't know what's gotten into you but it needs to stop. You don't care about anyone anymore. Like seriously. You need a fucking reality check. You're pushing us away and it won't be long before we really leave"

"Then fucking leave. It won't be the first fucking time you or anybody else left me. That's all ya'll fucking do. Leave me alone while ya'll do what ya'll want. You left me to live with grandma. Jerome left me to live by myself not caring if I had a place to stay or not. Kain left me to live with his baby mama. Mom left me. My pops left me. So why would this time be any different?" I told her

I'm used to being alone. Everyone left me and not even bothered to check if I was good. They didn't call me not even on a nigga's birthday. My pops never wanted me. He left before he even got to know me.

It's time like this that made me miss Desire. There's no doubt I still love her but I just can't let the fact that she killed my brother go. I can't.

That's the hardest betrayal I've ever had to face. It made me question all her motives.

I guess that's why I drink so heavily. When I'm drunk it's the only time she's not on my mind.

"I really hope you get help because I would hate to see the outcome of this" She said leaving out.

At this point I don't care whether I live or die. I have nothing to live for anyways.

How ya'll feel about Dave?






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