Chapter 63

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I sat down on the ground by my mother's grave placing the flowers on the stone

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I sat down on the ground by my mother's grave placing the flowers on the stone. It's been a while since I showed my face here but with everything going on in my life and feeling like my world is spinning out of control because of my emotions this is the only place I need to be.

"Hey mom, I'm sorry I haven't came to visit. I can't believe that I've been living without you for 10 years now. And each day the pain feels like that day it happened. Each day I realize just how much I need you to tell me it's okay that everything is going to be fine" I said lowly as I ran my hand across her name

"I wish I could lay on you so you could play in my hair as I told you everything that went on in my life so that you could tell me that no matter what I had you" I smiled as tears ran down my face as memories popped in my head. "You know I'm going to bring Heaven and Kairo to see you soon. You would've loved Heaven. She's such a character.  And Kairo is such a carefree toddler who's hitting his terrible twos in a month. You would've loved Kain too. You two would probably be the best of friends because he loves cooking just like you. And man that boy can eat" I laughed wiping the tears away

As I stared at my mother's grave I realized that I always thought that I wasn't scared of anything. I always said that I've been through the worst of the worst already so what more was there to fear? But now I know that my biggest fear is dying and leaving Kairo, Heaven and my unborn without a mom. I don't ever want them to go through what I went through when I lost mine.

"I don't know if you and Dave would get along though because his attitude was strong like yours. But I know that you would put up with him because I love him. But at this point I don't even know what to do anymore. I'm tired of getting my hopes up and then getting disappointed. And how can I stay married with him when I know it's going to be hell? I just wish you were here to tell me what to do"

I sat there a few more minutes letting tears keep falling before getting up. I dusted myself off wiping my face.

"I love you mom. Save me a place" I said before walking away.

I walked towards the truck unlocking it. I opened the door getting in before closing it up again. I placed my purse in the passenger seat as I stared the truck up. I glanced one more time towards my moms grave before pulling off.

After 15 minutes I pulled up to Dave's house parking in his driveway. I needed to talk to him about the whole moving situation.  I was about to sign the lease but I chickened out at the last minute because I didn't want to make a decision about my children without Dave's approval.

I got out the truck closing the door locking it as I made my way towards the door. I knocked on the door a few times before Dave finally opened the door smiling wide once he seen me

"Des, What are you doing here?" He asked letting me in. He pulled me to him kissing me

"We need to talk" I told him pulling away making my way to the living room.

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