Chapter 60

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I pulled away looking at him to see if he was telling the truth

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I pulled away looking at him to see if he was telling the truth

"Is it yours?"

"Desire I'm sorry" He reached out to me but I moved away "I didn't mean for it to happen. I wasn't even sure where we stood" He said "I didn't mean to get them pregnant"

"Them? So she's not the only one?" I questioned trying to see if I heard him right

"Yeah I was fucking around with Star too and she's pregnant with my child as well" He said lowly and i felt like my heart dropped

"You lied to me. I asked you if you were fucking with any females that I should know about because you be taking Kairo on the weekend and you told me you haven't slept with any females in over a year. And out of every female out there you went after not only one but two of the females who made my life hell" I laughed not believing what i was hearing.

" I know I fucked up but I didn't want anything to stand in the way of us Desire. I knew that if I told you about them you wouldn't have agreed to stay married" He explained

"Of course I wouldn't have. You know how evil those females are. You know all the bullshit they did to me. They're the reason people found out I was raped by father except they told everyone I slept with him for my own pleasure. They spread so many rumors about me. And you knew this. You knew that they helped Jerome leak that video of him raping me. Yet out of every female out in all New York you went after them knowing all the bullshit they put me through" I shook my head "It's not about you having two children on the way because I understand the situation we were in but my problem is who you're having them with"

"Wait Rome did what?" Taya interrupted and I completely forgot we were at her house.

"I'll let Dave tell you. I need some air" I walked past them walking out the apartment.

I walked down the hall and down the stairs and out the building walking over to a bench. I sat down

I wasn't upset because he was having a child or children with someone else because I understand I didn't even know if I was going to stay with him but what hurts is that he lied. And to make matters worst is who his baby mothers were.

Like out of every female he could've chosen he picked them? Knowing my past with them? Like how can someone who claims to be in love with you start messing with someone who hates you and once brought you harm?

Shit females fall out with their friends for just saying a few words to the females they dislike and Men will damn near kill you if you start fucking with their opps but because it's me and it happened so long ago I shouldn't feel any type of way right?

And now to think I'm going to have to deal with them for the rest of my life and If I stay with Dave I'll have to share him with two others? Share the man that I love. My now husband with my two enemies.

Call me selfish or petty but It's not something that I want to do. I mean what female would want to? If it was any other female I would've been more than happy to support Dave and be there for him but in this situation I don't think I can. 

I got up heading back inside so that I could grab my things and head home. I was't in a good mood to with anyone.


"What the fuck is wrong with you? Taya smacked my head "You just keep doing that girl dirty" She shook her

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"What the fuck is wrong with you? Taya smacked my head "You just keep doing that girl dirty" She shook her

I had told her everything that went on with Jerome along with the whole back story of Star and Bria so now she was beating my ass.

"You fucking gave her hell behind the whole Jerome situation had me thinking she was the bad guy when whole time she was the victim and you knew. And now these hoes Dave? Really? Out of every damn hoe in New York you went after those trifling ass bitches? And not only that you went in raw? Not knowing what fucking diseases they could be carrying and then fucked Desire without even telling her? Man"

"I know it looks bad Taya but we weren't fucking together so fuck it matter who I fucked with?" He said getting loud

"If it didn't fucking matter then fuck you lie about it? And it fucking matters when every time your wife looks at you or sees your other kids she'll be reminded of the past. And if those start messing with her again you really think she's going to stay by your side? Cause I sure as hell wouldn't. Fuck she gotta put up with your shit again?" She asked and I couldn't even answer

I knew Desire didn't have to put up with me and shouldn't have to but I hope she would.

"Let me put it in your language because clearly you not getting it from a female's point of view. How would you feel If Desire started fucking with Blackie? Or Peanut? And she ended up pregnant. But you guys weren't together at the time. Would you stick around and deal with it? Knowing Desire knew everything that went on between ya'll? Would you forgive her?" She said and I honestly couldn't answer without sounding mean

Because hell no. That's betrayal

"I'll answer for him.No he would be quick to cuss me out and call me a hoe and wish he never met me" Desire said coming in grabbing her stuff "Thank you Taya for having me over. I'll call you later" She hugged her before walking back out

"Wait Desire" I called out but Taya stopped me

"Nah answer my question and let her get herself together. Then you can talk to her"

"Honestly I don't think I could" I shook my head knowing how bad i sounded

"Then why should she?"

Welp that's a little bump in the road😭



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