Chapter 47 Part One

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"Carter" I yelled walking out my room

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"Carter" I yelled walking out my room

"In the kitchen"He yelled back

I made my way down the hall towards the kitchen seeing him feeding the kids

"Well there go my beautiful babies" I smiled at Kairo,Rashawn and Abby

"Mama" Kairo said reaching out for me

"You gonna switch up like that Ro?" Carter said acting like he was hurt and Kairo just laughed burying his face in my chest

"Leave my baby alone" I laughed "But are you busy today?" I asked him placing Kairo back in his seat so he can finish eating

"Nah, not until tonight why wassup?" He asked feeding Abby and giving Rashawn some juice

"Well as you know tomorrow is Kain's 18th birthday and Dave and I wanted to go buy him a car as a reward" I told him

"Oh shit go ahead, I'll watch the kids. And aye if it's cool with Dave I wanna throw him a sweet 18. Shit go all out for my nigga birthday" He said doing a little dance making me and the kids laugh

"You a mess but you don't have to do that" I assured him

If anything Dave and I would figure it out.

"I know but I want to. Kain deserves it. After everything he's been through he ain't rebel out or anything. Yeah he fucked up once but look at him. Going hard for him and his kid. Finishing school with straight A's . Been walking to work even though we have like a million cars in this house hold. He's independent and wise at such a young age. He needs a night to just let loose and enjoy being young" He said and I couldn't agree more.

Kain was young but he was as independent as he could be. We try and make his life easy but he rather figure things out on his own. To him being the best he can on his own for his sons sake was the most important thing to him and we can't do nothing but admire him for that

"I'll talk to Dave and we can start planning it. But let me go get ready because Dave should be here any minute" I told him giving the kids a kiss before walking back into my room so I could grab my purse.

I grabbed the teddy bear I had gotten for Heaven since I was going to ask Heaven if we could stop by and see her and it'll give him a chance to see Layla.

The doctors had told me that Heaven was making big progress and their hopes were that she'll wake up within the next few weeks.

I was praying every night and asking god to help her pull through. But most importantly I was asking Ant to watch over her and bring her back to me.

I made sure I had everything before turning my light off walking out. I closed my door before walking down the hall seeing that the kids were now watching tv

"Where's Kairo?" I asked once I seen that he wasn't there

"Dave took him outside"

"Okay I'll be back" I told him making my way outside. "We taking him?" I asked Dave once I seen him standing by his car with Kairo in his arms

"Is it cool?"

"Yeah it's cool I just didn't know if you wanted to take him" I said smiling a bit

He opened the back door placing Kairo in his car seat strapping him in then opened the door for me. I got in and he closed the door going over to his side.

"You look beautiful" He smiled at me turning the car on

"Thank you even though you tell me every day" I laughed a bit

"And ima keep telling you until the day I die" He shrugged "Ain't that right Kairo?"He said and Ro nodded his head showing his little teeth

"I can't with y'all" I laughed "But I have something to run by you" I told him


"So Carter wants to throw Kain A Sweet 18th Birthday party and wanted to know if you were okay with that" I looked over at him seeing that he was actually giving it some thought

"Um yeah i don't see why not. I'll help out too. He deserves it after all" he said surprising me. I honestly thought I was gonna have to argue with him to agree

"Great! We'll start planning" I smiled sending Carter a text giving him the green light

"How's school going though? I've been busy that i haven't been able to stop by for our daily talks any more" He made a sad face which made me smile

Usually after work he'll stop by and see Kairo and then we'll talk about our days and how everything went. And if we needed to vent about anything we used that time to. But since he went back to working with Mugga and Jungle at the dealership they opened up a few years back he's been busy trying to get his share of work done since he's new.

"It's going good. It still gets difficult but I'm pulling through"

"2 more years right?" He asked as we pulled up to the hospital

"Yes and they can't go slow enough" I rolled my eyes

"Don't start getting impatient on me now. Remember patience is key" he winked at me before getting Kairo out

"Who are you to talk about patience" I laughed

"You know damn well I have patience. Maybe not as much as you but I got some"

"Yeah okay" I grabbed my things closing the door before joining them so we can walk in "You excited to see your sister Ro?"

"Ya" He nodded his head then laid it on Dave's shoulder.

We walked in and went straight to her room. We're here so much that they let us right in.

"Ima go see Layla and then I'll meet you in Heaven's room" Dave said

"Okay you want me to take him?" I reached out for Ro

"Nah I'll take him. You go and have some alone time with Heaven" He smiled

I watched as they walked down the hall soon disappearing. I took a deep breath before making my way towards Heaven's room

Walking in I saw that Ant's parents along with some of his family members were gathered around her bed.

I don't know why but seeing all of them here made my heart sink.

"Hey" I spoke causing everyone to turn and look at me

"Desire my dear" His mother came over to me hugging me

I hugged her back when I heard something that made my body tense up

"Mommy is that you"


Don't forget to look at the cast so y'all see what Lil Dave and Lil Kain look like😍


How y'all think the party gonna play out?



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