Chapter 2

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"So is this something you really want to do?" My dad asked me as we sat in his office at home

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"So is this something you really want to do?" My dad asked me as we sat in his office at home

"Yeah. You know I have a passion for music. It's something I've wanted to do since I was younger" 

"But what happened to you wanting to be a lawyer?"

"Pops come on. You know that me being a lawyer has always been your dream. I mean don't get me wrong it's cool and all but it's not me. Never was and don't think it ever will be" I said truthfully

I was telling my dad how I wanted to open up my own studio so I can get started on my career as a producer. I already had everything I needed including my degree in music engineering. All I need now is just  place to get started on doing what I love.

As a kid I also found ways to make different beats and even write my own rhymes hoping one day I could get into the music business

"Well Carter I guess the only thing I can do is offer you my support. You're very smart and intelligent young man and I hope that I gave you all the tools needed for you to succeed"

"Thank you pops. I promise I won't let you down"

"I hope not but how you been doing?" He asked
Trying to keep up on my life since I was his only child.

Being an only child had it's advantages and disadvantages. 

Advantages were that I didn't need to compete with nobody. I had my parents full attention at all times but disadvantages was that all the weight fell on me.

They expect more from me since I'm an only child. But for the most part it's cool because I love the bond I have with both my parents.

"I've been good. Nothing really has changed" I shrugged

"Have you heard from Desire?"

"Yeah actually I went to see her yesterday" I said

"How is she? Poor girl doesn't deserve to be in there" He shook his head

"She's holding up. She said they're trying to give her life" I said

I swear I hated that she was going through this. I remember she told me the history she had with that nigga Jerome so in my opinion it wasn't a shocker that she killed the nigga. I mean wouldn't you kill yo rapist if you finally had a chance?

She never catches a break but through it all she's still keeping a positive attitude which is something I admire so much from her.

"Life? What the fuck why?  Wasn't it self defense?"

"She said they're not trying to hear anything she has to say. She said that they didn't even let her contact her own lawyer which is also why I came to talk to you. She needs someone to defend her dad"

They were treating Desire unfair and it was honestly was getting me mad as shit. Like this girl has no criminal record and hasn't done shit to anyone but they wanna act like she's a threat to humanity.

"Nah that ain't gonna happened. I need to get in contact with her dad asap. We need to get her legal help. We all know she doesn't deserve that" He said getting up going to his filing cabinet.

"She don't but the system don't care. She black so of course they gonna try and fuck her name up" I shook my head

"You worry about you Carter. I'll handle Desire"

I nodded my head getting up from my seat.

"I'll see you later pops" I told him walking out heading to my room.

Walking inside my room I closed the door picking up a basketball and going to sit on the couch I had in here.

I really ain't have nothing planned for today besides stay in the house and be lazy.

I was about to turn on the tv when my phone started ringing. I picked it up seeing it was the county calling so it had to be Desire.

I answered the call accepting the charges.

"Hey Carter"She said through the phone making a nigga smile

"Hey baby girl. How you doing?" I asked her throwing the basketball in the air and catching it.

"I'm alright. I could be better but it's all good. How you doing?" She asked

"I'm doing better now but why you sound upset?"

"Dave came by earlier and basically went off on me about the whole situation. Calling me all types of names. I'm honestly over it. I'm over everything at this point" She let out a sigh

"You better not try none stupid in there Dess" I said in a serious tone.

The last thing I want is for her to fall into depression and end up taking her life before we have a chance to get her out.

"I'm not Carter. I don't think I can ever find it in myself to take my own life"

"I'm serious Desire. I'll come down there and whoop yo ass"

"I promise I'm not. I'm good"She laughed a bit

"Good but when's your court date?"

"I don't even know to be honest and don't care at this point"

"Why that attitude?"

It seemed like her attitude changed from night to morning. Now instead of being upbeat about things she just had that "it's whatever" attitude and I wasn't liking it

"When you've been through everything I been through you just learn to let shit happen. And besides maybe my life will be better behind bars. No bullshit from others all I gotta do is keep to myself in here I'm good"

I sighed running my hand down my face. I was stuck at this point. I didn't know what to say or do.

I wanted to tell her everything will good and she'll be out soon but what if everything wasn't good? What if shit went left and she was stuck in there for life?

I wanted nothing more for her to be free because I don't think she did anything wrong but it's also not helping that she's not really opening up about the situation.

When you ask her about it she just says it happened and it's over. She doesn't say if he attacked her or if she just did it. Nothing. So it's hard to decided whether or not she's innocent but regardless my dad said to just say it was self defense.

"We're trying to get you out. I promise we're going to do everything we can to get you out" I told her hoping it'll lighten up her mood

"Thank you Carter. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I love you"

"I love you too. Keep your head up. We got you"

A little look into Carter's life

Think they'll get her out?

Poor Dess. Let's hope she doesn't have those dreams in there like she did when she killed Lauren 😭



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