Chapter 57

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I stood in my backyard smoking the rest of my blunt

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I stood in my backyard smoking the rest of my blunt. My nerves were everywhere at this moment a nigga felt like a damn pussy.

Who the fuck would've thought I would be this fucking weak when it came to a female. I had bitches left to right but no female made me feel the way Desire does. I never chased no female the way I'm chasing her. If anything they was the ones chasing a nigga.

Finishing the last of the blunt I took a deep breath before heading back inside. I walked over to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water cause I knew I was bound to get cotton mouth like a bitch in a minute.

I walked back to the living room taking a seat throwing my head back staring at the ceiling as my thoughts ran wild while I waited for her to pull up.

Shit was feeling like an eternity before I got that text saying she was outside.

I quickly got up looking out seeing that she was outside sitting in her car. I could tell she was tryna get herself together before coming in. That made a nigga even more nervous.

I was gonna need another blunt after this shit.

Finally she got out her car walking my way and damn she looked so fucking fine.That pink dress hugged her body so perfect.

I opened the door as she reached the top steps

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I opened the door as she reached the top steps

"Hey" She smiled

"Hey"I moved out the way so she could walk in.

She walked into the living room

"I thought you had school?" I told her joining her

"I did but I had called in sick because I have some things to settle first" She said

"You gonna tell me that you're divorcing me?" I asked ready for whatever her response was.

Instead of saying anything she grabbed my face planting a kiss on my lips taking me by surprise.

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