Chapter 53

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Happy New Years


"Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around seeing nothing but white

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"Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around seeing nothing but white.

I walked around hoping to get a clue or something that could let me know where I was at.

The more I walked straight the further everything seemed to get.

"Hello?" I called out but nothing "Is anybody there?" I yelled hoping to get a response but nothing.

At this point I felt myself starting to get anxious. I was scared because I didn't know where I was at and if I was alone or not.

I took off running. I think this Is the fastest I've ever ran. As I was running and instantly felt a sharp pain on ankle. I grabbed it and trying to stop the pain

"Baby girl" I heard someone say.

I looked around trying to see where it came from when all of sudden my mother was right in front of me.

"Mommy" I said feeling my voice crack as I hurried up to get up so I could hug her "It's really you" I cried

"Yes it's really me baby"She hugged me back "Don't cry Layla" She pulled away wiping my tears.

It felt so good to be back in her embrace. Just feeling her hold me made me feel like I had no worries in the world.

"Why you leave me?"

"I had to princess. It was my time and lord you guys have been acting a fool down there without me" She said shI asked shaking her head "I know I raised you guys better than that"

At the point I felt my heart sink

"You're disappointed huh?"

"Disappointed is understatement. You and Dave have lost ya'll damn minds"

"What about Kain? You're really telling me that you're proud of Kain and Taya?" I asked not believing it.

"What has Kain done that makes him such a bad person that I should disappointed in him?" He crossed her arms

"He went against his family mama. He sided with our brothers killer. He's sticking up for a murderer and you're okay with that? You're okay with him being friends with the women who killed your oldest son?" I yelled and she just slapped me

"Don't ever raise your voice on me dead or alive you're gonna respect me. Now if anything you're siding with your brothers killer Layla. Jerome committed suicide because he was too much of a coward to suffer the consequences of his actions. He tried to kill Desire but saw that Desire was holding up and shot himself so he wouldn't go back to prison. Desire never laid a hand on your brother. If anything she protected him when she should've have killed him" She shook her head as a tear fell

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