Chapter 71

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"Am I going to see you tonight?" My girl Mina asked as I got ready to head home

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"Am I going to see you tonight?" My girl Mina asked as I got ready to head home

"I don't know yet. I have a lot of things to do and clients to meet up with. But When I'm done I'll call you"I kissed her forehead not wanting to actually leave her but I had too.

"You better call me or I'm pulling up"She pouted making me laugh

"I got you" I grabbed all my belongings kissing her one more time before walking out her room and out the house.

As I got in my car my phone went off indicating someone was calling. I took it out of my pocket seeing that it was Dave. I answered putting the phone on speaker


"Wassup man.How's Desire? How are the kids?" He asked

"Desire's being Desire. Occupying herself with things to do so that she doesn't have time to think about anything or show any emotions"

"Man you don't know how this shit is killing me. She can go into labor at any moment and I can't fucking be there" He stressed. I could tell  by the tone in his voice it was taking everything in him not to break down.                                                   

"Calm down Dave. I can only imagine your pain but you have to keep yourself together. Can't be letting all these emotions make you react before hand"I said trying to calm him down.

I can't imagine what's he must be going through. Never being able to catch a break.

I heard him take a deep breath before speaking again.

"You're right. I'm just waiting on Los to get back to me and let me know what's going on. It's taking everything in me not to just kill her now because I don't know if she got niggas watching Desire and the kids ready to kill them incase some happen to this dumb bitch"

"Did he tell you how long it would take?"

"Nah man but I'm hoping everything happens before Desire goes into labor cause I'll be damned If I miss my child's birth"

"I'm praying for that too cause Desire's gonna need you man. You gonna get a DNA test on yo kid with ol girl?"

"Hell yeah. After everything I don't trust shit that comes out this girls mouth" He said making me laugh a bit

Our friendship was still in the works but at this moment only thing that mattered was helping him in whatever way I could. After all it was honestly big of him to even trust a nigga with this information cause the way he be going about things he act like I'm his enemy and shit.

"But aye I gotta go. Please hug my kids for me and make sure Desire good. I don't know when then next time I'll be able to check in with ya'll" He told me basically pleading.

"Don't worry. I got them. But stay safe man"

"Same to you"He said before hanging up

I threw my phone on the seat and my head back exhaling a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. This whole thing was frustrating because I knew Desire was going crazy and she's not no dummy.  I know she knows something is going on but knows we not gonna tell her so she doesn't ask.

I finally started the car pulling out heading back home. Getting onto the highway I grabbed my phone dialing my dad's number

"What do I owe this lovely surprise to?" My dad answered making me laugh

"Pops don't start. I call you and mom all the time but ya'll never answer the phone"

"Lies. But what's up son? Everything good?"

"Sorta. Remember I told you about the whole Dave situation?"

"He still hasn't found a solution?"

"Nah and He's going to need the best lawyers money can buy. That girl is crazy pops. Like she literally has Desire and the kids lives threaten. If he doesn't do some quick or kill her it's going to end badly" I explained

"Has he contacted the authorities?"

"Yeah and they won't do shit. One even told him to man up. They not doing anything to protect any of them"

"Well luckily for him if he does end up hurting the girl he can use all that as evidence that he followed the right procedures and that can even help him not get any time. Because they'll have to dig up all the calls and claims filed by him and the state will see that he was ignored"

"But what if they don't care? Pops he's a black man. They won't care"

"They will if he gets the right judge and the right legal team on his side. I'll handle everything on my end"

"Thanks pops. I knew you would know what to do. Los is suppose to be helping him"

"I'll call Los right now and discuss everything with him and I'll get in contact with Dave. But I'll make sure everything is taken care off. Hopefully before she does something horrible"


I pulled up the house I was sharing with Bria

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I pulled up the house I was sharing with Bria. I saw her car was here along with another black truck that I've never seen before. I shook my head knowing she had company over. Which meant we had to act like a perfect fucking couple. 

I can't wait for Los to come through so I can end this fucking nightmare already. I just wanted to be home with the love of my life and my children. 

I cut the engine taking the keys out of the ignition grabbing my phone from the cup holder. I took a deep breath opening the door getting out. 

Closing the door I looked around making sure there was nothing suspicious going on. As I scoped the area I made my way towards the door trying to see if I could hear voices but nothing. Which was strange because usually I can hear her and her friends down the driveway. 

I unlocked the door walking in looking around not seeing anybody. 

"Bria?" I yelled out 

"Help me Help me" I heard a little voice that sounded like Heaven's. 

"Nah it can't be" I said to myself walking further in 

"Shut the fuck up" I heard a grown man's voice yell before hearing screams 

"Heaven?" I yelled out running through the house trying to follow her voice

"Dave? Dave help me! Please Help me" 




Things Changes(Dave East) SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora