Chapter 23

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Keep showing me love. I appreciate it


I sat in my car which was parked outside the hospital contemplating whether or not I should go in

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I sat in my car which was parked outside the hospital contemplating whether or not I should go in.

I know I'm the last person Kain wants here and I don't blame him. I was an asshole to him and there's no way I can make up for the way I had treated him.

I turned my back on him when I promised I wouldn't. I vowed to protect him with my life and  failed him miserably. I was the worst big brother to both him and Layla.

Although I was easier on Layla I still was the cause of her rebelling and getting out control.

Now she was a mother and living god knows where.

This is when I regret taking the authority from Desire all those times. If we both would've disciplined them then maybe everything would be different.

Taking a deep breath I turned the car off getting out closing the door.

I looked around real quick before making my towards the doors.The closer I got the weaker I felt my legs get and the faster my heart started speeding

I wasn't prepared for any bad news so I could only pray that my brother was good.

Reaching the doors I looked up at the sky saying a quick prayer

Lord please forgive me for every sin I have committed but please don't take my brother from me. Please let him live. He doesn't deserve this.

Mom if you're listening please don't take my little brother from me please. I promise I'm going to get cleaned and seek help. I'm going to change and become the man you wanted me to be. I promise I'll do anything but don't take him from me, I'll take better care of him. I'll do whatever but don't punish me with this. I already lost a child I didn't get to meet don't take Kain too

By the time I was done tears were coming down. I wiped them away quickly walking in.

I learned around and spotted everyone right away. I walked over to them

"Dave" Layla semi yelled running to me giving me a hug

"Hey Lay" I smiled a bit hugging her.

"I didn't think you would show" Nataya said as she got up giving me a hug

"I know I messed up but that doesn't mean I don't love or care for  ya'll" I told them as I took a seat

I seen that nigga Ant here but I didn't see Desire. Which only made me wonder where she at?

I looked around a little bit more

"She went to the cafeteria" Jungle said smirking

"What you talking about?"I frowned

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