Chapter 69

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Was suppose to go up yesterday but Wattpad a fucking joke.

Y'all what to do. 100 and plus votes for the next update.

Third Person

3 Months Later

Unlocking the front door Bria walked in closing the door behind her.

Smirking she made her way up the stairs heading towards Dave's room. She knew he would be home any minute which only gave her a few minutes to get herself ready for him. Her plan to seduce him was in full affect and she couldn't wait until she had him eating out the palm of her hands.

Walking into his room she inhaled his scent turning her on instantly.

She said unzipped the jacket she was wearing as she walked around his room.Stopping once she came across a picture of Dave and Desire smiling happily sitting on his night stand. Rolling her eyes she grabbed the frame tossing it across the room watching it shatter

"Fuck her"She told herself as she continued to snoop around. She wanted to see if she could find anything to hold over his head but she couldn't find anything. Coming across more pictures of Desire she grabbed all of them throwing them shattering every single one.

"That should be me"She said as she stared at the broken glass on the floor. She looked away turning her attention to the rest of her room which looked like it was basically empty. Besides his clothes it didn't look like he had anything else in here.

She walked over to his dresser seeing herself in the mirror.

Taking her reflection in she smiled. She had given birth 2 months ago and luckily for her, her body snatched back quick and was looking better than ever. Which caused her confidence to go through the roof.

"Once I'm done with him tonight he'll forget that hoe even exist"She smirked to herself. Hearing the door close she quickly ran to the bed getting in position.

Downstairs Dave was completely oblivious to the fact that his baby mother was upstairs

"You staying the night at your place tonight or staying over here?" Desire asked over the phone as she laid in bed.

"I should beat yo ass asking that dumb ass question. You know the answer to that. I'm just getting my clothes and I'll be over there" He said making Desire laugh a bit

"Pick me up some ice cream on your way back?"

"Of course. Send me your list and I'll stop and get you everything baby girl" Dave shook his head smiling.

"Okay hurry back"Desire said hanging up before Dave started grilling her about missing him.

Laughing Dave made his way up the stairs walking into his room freezing in his spot seeing Bria sitting on his bed

Laughing Dave made his way up the stairs walking into his room freezing in his spot seeing Bria sitting on his bed

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