Chapter 54

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"You're here" Taya said running up to me as I walked through the hospital doors

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"You're here" Taya said running up to me as I walked through the hospital doors

"Yeah I came straight here from the airport. What happened?" I asked as we made our way to the front desk

"Where's Des?" She asked looking around "And they said they couldn't tell me anything unless you were here" She rolled her eyes

"She wasn't feeling to good so she took an uber home"

Honestly since she found out that we got drunk married her whole attitude changed. She didn't even want to speak to a nigga. I don't know what's going through her head but I just hope it doesn't fuck up the progress we've made.

Don't get me wrong I was happy asf to be married to Desire. Even though it wasn't my intention to get married like this. If anything I wanted to do it the right way and give her the wedding of her dreams but I wasn't going to be upset if shit worked out this way. She's the love of my life I know for a fact I won't ever love another like her.

"I'm Dave Brewster and I got news that my sister Layla Brewster just woke up from a coma" I told the lady at the front desk

"Right this way" She walked from behind the desk leading us down the hall.

We followed her until she came to a stop in front of some chairs.

"Take a seat here and the doctor will be with you shortly to talk to you guys" She told us sending me a smile before walking off

I took a seat putting my head inside my hands because at this point my heart was racing. I didn't know what to expect. I was scared that they were going to tell me that something was really wrong with her.

"She's going to be fine Dave" Taya said as she rubbed my back

"And what if she's not? Then what Taya? That's our sister we're talking about" I turned to look at her

"And that's why I know she'll be good.  Think positive" She said just as the doctor approached us

"Dave Brewster?" The doctor asked coming up to us

"Yes Doctor how is she?" I asked

"She had some difficulties when she first woke up. She had a little difficulties breathing but we were able to get it to normal and she's breathing on her own now. Also she's going to need some therapy to get her body back to the way it was. When we first got her here she had a broken leg and ribs. Thankfully they all healed but she will need to learn how to walk on her legs again" The doctor said

"She's going to be good though right? Like she'll be able to walk on her own again and everything?" I asked him because I need to make sure my sister was going to be good.

"Yes. We ran test and everything is normal. She can move on her own she just needs help making certain movements because her muscles are weak from not moving but with the therapy she'll be able to do everything on her own again" he spoke as she looked at his papers "She remembers her name and details of her life. We tried asking her if she knew what happened the night she was beaten but said its very faint which is normal" he added

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