Chapter 73

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Thank you guys for being patient while I dealt with this whole covid shit but me and my family are now better. Just waiting on my mom to fully recovered but we good. 

I appreciate your prayers! I love you guys!!


Third Person

"Where are they?" Desire yelled walking into the hospital.

After getting the devastating call that both Dave and Heaven were rushed to the hospital,she wasted no time in rushing there. The way she was feeling she felt like her world was crashing down once again. All she could do was pray that Dave and Heaven were okay.

She looked around until she spotted Los sitting down along with Carter and Kain,

"What happened? I thought Heaven was with you Kain" Desire asked turning her attention to Kain

"When we went to go pick her up she wasn't at school. They said someone had picked her up. I didn't want you to worry because I didn't know if anyone else had gotten her. But by the time I found out who had her Los was already over there"

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm her mother! I should know if my child is possibly in harms way" Desire snapped

Her emotions were all over the place. She didn't know whether to be scared,mad or sad. She knew no one was to blame here but she was still upset that she wasn't informed about what was going on. She hated being kept in the dark about these types of situations. 

"We didn't want you to worry until we knew for sure that there was a reason to" Kain explained "We wanted to make sure none of us picked her up first. But by the time we knew she was in danger Los called us letting us know he was on the way here" He continued

"I understand but you should've told me Kain"

"I know. We're sorry. We just didn't want you to worry because any stress can affect the baby"

Desire simply hugged him because she knew he meant well even though he went about it the wrong way.

"How is she?" She asked

"They're making sure she wasn't hurt but when I talked to her she had no injuries but Dave was shot and he's in surgery. We don't know any other information on him" Los told her

"What how? What is going on! How was my baby with Dave and how did he get shot?" Desire questioned trying to piece everything together because right now nothing was making sense

Everyone looked at each other trying to see who was going to be the one to tell her. They knew everything was going to be to much for her to handle. She was already stressing and her pregnancy was high risk.

"So is anyone going to answer me? Because I have a child who's getting checked out and I don't even know why and a baby father who's in surgery and we don't know if he's okay or not" She asked trying to keep her anger down

"Des baby I think it's better If Dave tells you"

"No I want to know now! How did my child get in harms way and why?"

Having no choice They all decided to tell her everything that happened from the very beginning. They told her why Dave left her all the way to when Los got a phone call from Heaven letting him know that her and Dave were in trouble.

"Heaven called you?"

"Yeah. Apparently Dave's phone fell out when he was fighting the guy who took Heaven so she grabbed it and called me and the police. She was even holding Dave's wounds when I found her" Los told Desire who couldn't help but smile through the tears. She knew her baby girl was smart and everything she did today only proved it

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