Chapter 31

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"So how you been feeling these past few months?" Jungle asked as I sat in the chair at the barber shop getting a shape up

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"So how you been feeling these past few months?" Jungle asked as I sat in the chair at the barber shop getting a shape up

"Shit I'm holding up. I'm back working at the car wash I used to work at when me and Desire first moved out this way" I told him

"Why you back working there? Nigga you know you still own half of our shop right?"

"Yeah I know but I need to go back to actually get myself together. I need to humble myself to keep myself down the right path. Man getting that type of money so fast after not having shit and finally not needing to depend on Desire fucked my mind up to the point I was blinded by lies and a world that I wasn't all that ready for" I admitted

People say money doesn't change them but in all reality it does. It changes the way you think and they way you move.

Coming from nothing to now actually being able to get what you want affects your mindset. Whether you want to believe it or not.

Some people it changes them for the better but a lot of times you get a nigga like that forgets where I came from and splurges out.

I thought I was on to the point where I was partying and doing heavy drugs because I could. Just because I had the money to not caring the affects they had on me.

I know for a fact that if I was never on drugs and drinking heavy me and Desire wouldn't have fell off like we did.

"I understand where you coming from. Sometimes you gotta take that stroll through memory lane. But aye what you getting Desire for her birthday?"

"I honestly don't know. Ant and Carter are taking her on a trip so I'm staying back to take care of Kairo while she has fun"

"And you okay with that?" He raised an eyebrow

"What can I do? She ain't my girl no more and I don't even know if she will ever be. Besides this will the first time I actually have my son to myself for more than a day so I'm really looking forward to it"I said truthfully

Having my son for the two weeks they're going to be gone was honestly going to make up for everything because that's all I wanted but not only that it also meant that Desire was slowly gaining her trust for me and that meant more than anything.

Regardless if we ever get back together or not I want her to trust me. I want my homie back because before anything went down and before we were a thing she was my best friend so If I could get that bond back at least I'll be straight.



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"So did you think about my offer?" My classmate Kevon asked

I met him at the beginning of the semester since I decided to re-enroll back in law school and get my degree the right way.

He's a really sweet guy and we get along great but something in my just doesn't want to get into anything just yet but honestly I didn't want to keep turning him down and then I miss out on something great.

"Fine I'll go out with you" I laughed a bit

"Great what if we get some breakfast right now? Class doesn't start until another hour and a half and I know this great diner down the street" He smiled showing his cute smile

"Fine" I giggled as I gathered my things

I was here early hoping I could get some studying done but clearly the plans have changed.

We walked out the building towards his car.

He opened the passenger door letting me get in and comfortable before closing the door

He walked over to the driver side getting in.

"Trust me you're going to love this place. It's my go to place for breakfast"He said as he pulled off

"It better be because you taking away my studying time" I joked

"You need a break anyways. All you do is study knowing damn well you know everything by heart"

"I do not. I just want to make sure my grades are good"

The class was somewhat easy because well I already took the class but like everything else things change so there's always something new to learn so I have to stay focus because I never know what I'll learn.

We pulled up to the diner and he parked the car quickly getting out jogging over to my side opening my door

"Well thank you"I smiled as he helped me out

"No need to thank me beautiful" He said causing me to blush

We walked in and he was immediately greeted

"Hey Kevon great to see you" The hostess smiled "And I see you brought a guest"She said as her whole tone changed

But she didn't have to worry about me. If that was her man then that was her man

"Yeah this is my good friend Desire" He smiled at me then turning his attention back to her as she walked us to our booth

We slid in grabbing the menus

"I'm sorry about her attitude" He said

"You don't need to apologize. Whatever you guys have going on is between ya'll. I'm just here for the food" I laughed a bit

"There's nothing between us. She was an ex who didn't like the fact that she got dumped when she's the one who cheated.And I want this to be more Desire. I really like you and your vibe. Just give me a chance to show you" He grabbed my hand

"I don't know Kevon. I like your vibe and you're really handsome but I don't want to rush anything"

"No rushing. We'll go at your pace just want to know we're going to be working on becoming something no matter how long it takes" He said basically begging with his eyes

"Give me some time to think and I'll let you know. For now lets eat because I'm starving"

Think She'll give him a chance?

How ya'll feeling about Kevon?




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