Chapter 17

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4 Months Later

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4 Months Later

"Kain your alarm" Diamond said waking me up from my sleep.

"Man what time is it" I mumbled not wanting to move.

"It's 9:30"

"Fuck" I groaned getting up

"Where you going?" She asked

"Gonna meet up Layla for breakfast" I said making my way over to Rashawn's crib

He was staying in the room with us since we had no more rooms to put him in.

"She finally wants to talk?"

"Apparently. She blew up my phone until I agreed to meet up with her" I shook my head leaning down giving Shawn a kiss

"My moms going to watch him while I'm at work today until you get home" She told me getting up giving me a kiss.

"Ight. I shouldn't be that long"

I walked over the closet getting my outfit out before heading to the bathroom to shower. I was honestly not looking forward to this little meet up with her.

I know she's my sister and all but honestly the way she was acting towards me made me feel like she felt like Jerome did.

Shit now I was questioning everyone's motives when it came to me. It made me wonder if that's why everyone was close and I wasn't.

Dave probably hated me too. That's probably why he was so quick to turn on me when everything went down.

The night I told Dave about Desire having his baby he was so drunk that he wanted to fight me. That night he told I was never his brother and I was just someone who was in his way.

I didn't take his words to heart because he was drunk and the next day he told us he couldn't remember shit about what happened the night before so I dropped it.

I didn't question his feelings towards me or bring up that Desire was pregnant again.

It's crazy how your whole can take a turn in matter of months. I lost my family for something that nobody had any control over but they're to stubborn to even try and understand shit.

I finished up my shower getting out. I dried myself before getting dressed.

I had to hurry up and do what I had to do because I had three people to serve today so I could give my boss his cut.

I hate that I had to turn to the street life but I needed money and I wasn't about to rely on Desire to take care of my family when she has one of her own to worry about. She's done more than enough for me that I can't take shit for granted.

"You ready?" Diamond asked

"Yeah you driving me or should I take an uber?"

"I can drop you off and you can get an uber back" She grabbed her things

I nodded my head kissing my son one last time before walking out her room. Since Rashawn was sleeping we left him in the room just made sure we let her mom know where he was.

We got in the car settling in before she drove off.

The whole car ride was silent. I was still figuring out my feelings for Diamond and she knew that.

I had love for her as the mother of my child and the more time I spend with her I start growing a liking for her but it's still hard for me to let myself fall because I didn't fully trust her and she knew that too.

She knew that after the shit she pulled it was going to take me a while to fully grow feelings for her or even trust her because that showed me a side of her that I didn't even know existed.

We pulled up to the restaurant.I gave her a quick peck before getting out making my way inside.

Walking in I automatically spotted Layla who's stomach was huge. I guess she wasn't lying when she told me she was pregnant.

"Hey Kain"She smiled

"Wassup?" I said taking a seat.

I wasn't about to be friendly with her. She ain't deserve it.

"How you been?" She asked

"Eh I'm still living so I guess I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm good. Why didn't you bring your son?" She said trying to hide the bruises on her hands.

"His grandma got him. I didn't even think wanted to meet him since no one showed up to the hospital or even bothered to congratulate me"

When Diamond gave birth I called everyone expecting them to show up and show support but of course they hung up and went about their day.

"I'm sorry Kain but I had so much going on"

"Like what? You ain't do shit but be a bum and chase fucking dick. So please miss me with that bullshit because I'm tired of your attitude. Everything has to be about Layla because if it's not then you get mad and make it about you"

"That's not true" she frowned

"Yes it is. You always finding ways to make shit about you"

"Listen I didn't come here to argue. I just wanted to make peace with you and forgive you for the sake of my baby boy. I want you to be in his life Kain"

"Forgive me for what? I ain't do shit to any of you guys for me to be forgiven"

"Yes you did Kain. You sided and defended our brothers killer" She yelled

"No I fucking didn't. If anything you guys are siding with Jerome's killer because he committed fucking suicide. Jerome killed himself Layla" I yelled back

"Stop making up lies for her. We're your fucking family Kain not her. She's tearing this family apart"

"I'm not lying. I saw the fucking tape. Jerome shot Desire cause that nigga was crazy and heard voices. He couldn't deal with being locked up again so he killed himself. I saw the whole fucking thing and if ya'll would've showed up to the court hearing you would've seen it too. The only people tearing this family apart is you. Not her. If anything she still tried to keep this fucking family together by pleading Jerome not to kill himself for our sake. So watch the fucking video before talking shit about the person who made shit happen for us" I snapped

I couldn't take hearing her or anyone keep disrespecting Desire when she hasn't done shit to us.

"Oh and don't forget that if it wasn't for her you'll still be back with grandma getting yo ass beat by her fucking son" I said getting up getting ready to walk out

I had no more to say to them.

"Wait Kain"

"Nah Layla I'm done talking to you until you change"

Layla knows the truth

What you think is going to happen next?

Yes Desire did come visit. No Dave hasn't seen her!



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