Chapter 36

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Make sure you show love!


Pulling up to the house I seen Dave was still here which means either they talked It out already or they're about to

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Pulling up to the house I seen Dave was still here which means either they talked It out already or they're about to.

I looked back seeing that baby girl was sleep. I reached over to the passenger side grabbing the folder with her papers in it.

Opening the folder I took out her birth certificate  going over it so I could at least know some information on her

"Abigail Brewster" I read out loud

I wonder why she had her last name and not the fathers. I skimmed through it seeing that no name was written in the spot for the father. Which would explain her having Layla's last name.

Putting everything back I turned the car off getting out. I opened the back door unstrapping her from her seat picking her up carefully so she won't wake up.

I grabbed everything I needed before making my way to the door

"Who's that?" Carter asked when he opened the door grabbing everything

"Where's Dave and Kain?"

"In the living room"He said walking into his room where Kairo and Shawn were sleep

"You know Layla right?"

"Dave's sister?" He asked

"Yeah. This is her daughter Abigail" I smiled turning a bit so he could see her face

"She's adorable but why you have her? Thought she ain't fuck with you" He asked

"I'll explain everything to you when I tell Dave and Kain what's going on. Come on let's go see what they're doing" I told him as I walked out the room walking down the hall way towards the living room

Walking in I seen them watching basketball highlights on the tv

"So I'm guessing you worked everything out?" I spoke causing them to turn around

"Yeah we good"

"Who's that?" Kain pointed at the little girl

"Guys I have some news that I don't know how you guys are going to react to"

"Wassup?" Dave asked

I stared  at them for a bit trying to figure out exactly how to break the news. This wasn't some to take lightly so I had to be ready for their reaction

"Des? What happened?" Kain asked when he notice I was taking long to answer

"Okay so today I got a call from one of my friend who's a social worker and today she was working on a case at the hospital. The female was beaten into a coma and she called me over saying I had to see who it was so I went down there and well once I got down there" I paused getting myself together.

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