Chapter 64

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3 Months Later

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3 Months Later

"Can ya'll hurry the fuck up" I told Bria and Star growing more and more annoyed with them.

We were at their obgyn appointment but they were taking forever to get out the damn car. I don't even know why they think it's cute to have all their appointments together nor do I really care

"You need to chill out. We're pregnant. We can't move like you" Bria rolled her eyes finally getting out the car.

"Ya'll pregnant not handicapped" I said turning around walking towards the door. I wasn't about to wait all day especially when I had to be at Desire's house to finish helping them move after this and the last thing I wanted was to do anything to let her down

Since we both agreed on it the divorce was quickly finalized and we were immediately single. But I wasn't about to act like I was single. I was going to do everything in my power to win her heart all over again. Which meant I was gonna act like we were still married.

"You know you don't have to be such an ass" Bria said as I held the door open for them.

They were now 3 and 4 months and man I don't think I ever been so miserable in my life than dealing with these two. Star been decent she ain't too much of a problem but Bria on the other hand be doing the most.

We walked in checking in before going to take our seats.

"So we were thinking about doing our baby showers together.What you think?" Bria smiled wide grabbing my hand

"Bruh that dumb as shit. Ya'll really wanna look dumb in front of both ya'll families?" I laughed a bit


"That's what I said. And what yo family gonna think when ya'll show up with the same baby daddy" I laughed again and Bria just rolled her eyes

"He's right you know. We gonna get called all types of names by our families for fucking the same guy" Star said but Bria just waved her off not tryna hear none

I honestly didn't wanna have no damn baby shower like that. I wasn't tryna deal with their people's asking me questions and breathing down my back about shit.

Soon Star was called back so we both got up walking in leaving Bria in the waiting room by herself

"We're in room 3"The nurse said guiding us down the hall to the room. "Okay mom let me take your vitals real quick"

I watched as the nurse did what she needed to before walking over to her clipboard writing stuff down

"The doctor should be in shortly" She smiled gathering her things

"You know she's not going to stop until she has you right?" Star told me as the nurse walked out

"That's not gonna happen" I shook my head "She know the only female I want is Desire so I don't know why she trying" I took my seat as she got on the bed

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