Chapter 59

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"Fucking Dave" Taya shook her head as she stared at the picture

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"Fucking Dave" Taya shook her head as she stared at the picture.

She showed me the picture that Dave was tagged in since I didn't have any social media. And honestly I don't know how to feel.

Before I could say anything I got a message from Dave

Dave🥰✨:I'm on my way home. Need anything?

Instead of answering I just placed the phone on the counter of Taya's kitchen. She had called me over to hang out earlier since she didn't have to work so I came here after school.

"Dave?" She asked and I nodded my head "What you thinking?"

"Honestly I can't say or think anything until I speak to Dave. I can't jump into conclusions because what if it's not what it looks like? What if it's just his ex who's mad or something" I told her

I was trying to remain calm and not spazz out but not because of the picture but because of the girl in the picture. The very same girl he was posted up with was one of the same females who gave me hell in high school after the video of me getting raped by Jerome got leaked. She was the main one spreading rumors about me and just saying anything to get to me and Dave knew that too so for me to see him with her just made me feel some type of way.

Like you claim you love me but went to fuck with the same females who disrespected me? Out of every female in New York? But I wasn't about to tell Nataya that because I don't think she knows my past and I want to keep it that way. Even if it involves her deceased brother.

"So what if she's pregnant? Are you going to take the baby in?" She asked making my heart sink.

Was I really going to be okay sharing Dave with the female who made part of my high school years miserable? Was I going to be okay seeing her face often?

Like was I overreacting? Was I exaggerating?

"I don't know. Like I really don't know" I told her not knowing what to say.

"Listen Desire I know that's my brother and all but If you don't want to take in another women's child regardless of the circumstances that's okay. You already settle for less than you deserve and you settle for anything in order to keep those around you happy. You shouldn't settle anymore. If you want to be happy then go on and be happy even if it's not with my brother. You're so young and here you are taking on more responsibilities than those in their 30s and 40s. It's okay to be selfish for once in your life" She told me and I knew she was right but my mind was still everywhere

"I don't know Taya. Like if it was before us then how can I be mad? How can I tell him I don't want to be with him anymore when it was before?" I told her just as my phone went off with a call from Dave

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