Chapter 18

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"Kairo baby please stop moving" I whined

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"Kairo baby please stop moving" I whined

He was 8 months and crawling everywhere.

"Ya'll ready?" Carter asked walking in

"No. He's not staying still" I whined

"Yo ass ain't ready either" He laughed

"Because he's been giving me a hard time" I mugged him

"Chill"He laughed again "Go change I got him"

"You sure?"

"Yes woman. Now go"

I got up smacking his head before running out the room.

We were going grocery shopping since we were back in New York staying at a house he had out here. We came back because I needed to settle all this shit with my papers so I can finally be a licensed lawyer.

I walked into my room grabbing my clothes quickly changing. I had already showered so I didn't have to worry about that.

Once I was ready I walked in to Kairo's room only to see Carter and him sleep on the floor.

I shook my head smiling before going over to them so I could wake them up.

I had a meeting with the people at a law firm here today to what was going on with all my paper work because they keep saying my documents are invalid

"Carter you were suppose to get him ready not fall asleep" I giggled shaking him

"Oh shit" He said getting up making sure not to drop him "I ain't even know I fell asleep. But you ready?" He handed a fully dressed Kairo to me

"Yeah I'm ready"

He nodded his head getting off the floor. He fixed himself up then turned to smile at me.

"You look beautiful"

"You look beautiful"

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