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"What do you mean you're on fleeing the country?" Genesis asked as she stood there watching me pack

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"What do you mean you're on fleeing the country?" Genesis asked as she stood there watching me pack

"Just that Gen. I'm wanted and if I don't run that'll be the end of me. I can't risk it" I told her as I threw the last of my things in a suitcase

I knew karma would come back and bite me in the ass but I never thought it would be this early on. I was hoping I could at least get to live some what of my life before it came down to this.

"What do mean you're wanted? Who could possibly want to end you?" She asked clueless as to what it is that I do for a living.

"Let's just say the less you know the better it is for the both of us" I told her zipping up my suitcase

I looked over at her as tears started falling down her face.

This was the moment I was dreading. I didn't want to say goodbye. This girl had me wide open and didn't even know it.

" Why can't I know? Don't you think I deserve an explanation as to why you're leaving all of a sudden? You literally just told me today that you're leaving and you still don't think I deserve an explanation?"

I let out a sigh as I walked over to her wiping her tears away. I didn't want her to cry but I couldn't risk her knowing anything in case they found her too.

"I wish I could answer all your questions but I really can't baby girl. Just trust me in this"

"Trust you? How can I trust you if you're leaving me like this?" she cried harder "Don't you understand that I'm in love with you? I don't care that you don't say it back" She yelled

"I'm in love with you too Genesis which is why I have to leave"

"So you tell me you love me but you leaving me? Wow Malakai" She laughed shaking her head

"It's not like that Gen"

"Then let me come with you. Let me run away with you"

How ya'll like this little preview of a story I'm thinking about writing once this one is done?

If this preview get's hella love I'm turning it into a whole book.

Trust me it's gonna be good! And different from a lot of Dave books cause well ya'll know I'm unique lol.




Fuck it up so I can turn it into a book!

Things Changes(Dave East) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now