Chapter 26

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Few Days Later

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Few Days Later

"What are you doing today?" Carter asked me as he walked in the kitchen

I was making some breakfast for us as I fed Kairo

"Dave called and asked if I could bring Ro over so he can spend sometime with him but I think I'm going to stick around for a bit with them" I said

Truth was I wasn't too comfortable with Kairo being around Dave alone at the moment especially after he told me about his alcohol and drug problem. I know Dave wouldn't intentionally hurt him but after dealing with everything he was dealing with will probably make it difficult for him to really quit. Having any drugs or alcohol in your system will make you do things you would never do sober. I've witnessed it growing up with the man I thought was my father. When he was sober he was a completely different person. He actually cared and showed that he did but once he had any liquor in his system he turned into a monster. Not saying Dave is the same but you can never be too safe. Especially knowing that a mental illness runs in his family and a dangerous one at that you never know what to expect and I'm not risking anything.

I know I'm not the one to talk when I had a cocaine problem myself but I never spiraled out of control like he did and I never had a problem quitting it.

Being an alcoholic and on drugs can be very difficult to quit cold turkey without some type of conquenses and I knew his with drawls were going to be crazy so I was hoping having Kairo around would make it easier for him to deal with it. I was willing to help him in anyway I could if it meant my baby boy having his father in his life.

"Have you talked to Carlos?" He asked taking a seat

Ever since the law firm told me about my papers and everything not being valid I was suppose to talk to Los because I have a feeling that he has something to do with it but after Kain was shot I honestly been dodging the conversation

"No I haven't"

"Des you've been avoiding the conversation for a while now why?"

"I'm scared Carter. I'm finally getting that relationship I always wanted with my father. My real one at that and it's like if he did all this to sabotage me I don't know what I'll do"

"You gotta stop thinking so negative Dee. Has he gave you any reason on why you shouldn't trust him?" He asked making me look at him

I shook my head no

"Alright then, Go talk to him and get his side of the story and see what really happened. You can't put it off forever and especially if you wanna hurry up and be a lawyer"

"You're right. I'll call him later and see if I can go see him tomorrow"

"Good" He smiled "And maybe after we can go get some ice cream cause I know fat man wants some" He said tickling Kairo causing him to erupt in giggles

"Sounds good but now we gotta get going before Dave thinks we stood him up. Heaven's with Ant until 4 and Kain is in the room sleep. I already took him his breakfast and gave him his pills. If I'm not back by 2 please make sure he take his other pain pill"

"I got him don't worry"


"You sure you don't need me to come over there?" Taya asked for the fifth time

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"You sure you don't need me to come over there?" Taya asked for the fifth time.

Since I told everyone that I wanted to quit they been doing everything in their power to be by my side and support me. I was more than grateful to know that no matter how much of an asshole I was to them they're still willing to help me out.

Mugga and Jungle told me I can have my job back if I wanted it. Of course I said yes. I needed to get my life back on track. I never realized how much I actually slacked and fucked shit up until I started analyzing everything while being sober.

"Yes I'm sure. Desire is suppose to be coming over with my son so I should be good" I said smiling at the fact that I said my son

It still seems so unreal that I actually have a mini me. It brings so much happiness to me to know that I have someone that I help create and that I can love unconditionally.

"When am I going to fully introduced to this Desire that I hear so much about and my nephew"

"Hopefully soon. I still gotta talk to her and see how she feels about you and Layla being around him considering that her and LaLa ain't cool at the moment"

"You still love her don't you?" She asked catching me off guard

I stayed silent for a moment before answering

"I'm still in love with her. How can I stop loving her when she's truly god sent? When she's never turned her back on me no matter how many times I turn my back on hers? She was there when I had nobody. I was dead broke but she ain't care. She rode for me and made sure I was straight. Her heart is pure gold and I promise you I never deserved it and I regret breaking it in the worst way possible. I knew what Rome was about but I still choose his side over hers and for that I'll never forgive myself for that"

"Well little brother the only thing I can tell you is fight for her heart again. Show her who the real Dave is. The Dave my mother raised and make her fall in love with you all over again. Except this time don't turn your back on her and don't let her go"

How you think this little get together is going to go?

What you think about his convo with Taya?



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Drama coming up!

Things Changes(Dave East) SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora