Chapter 46

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A week later

"So you telling me you ain't talk to her since that day?" Mugga asked me as we walked into the store

"It just don't feel right. Like I feel like she mad at a nigga so I ain't tryna get in her way and make her even more mad" I told him and Jungle

"So you really turned our good sis Desire down? I can't believe this" Jungle laughed but I ain't find shit funny

That night when Desire asked me to sleep with her I didn't know what to say. I mean shit everyone knows that's what I been waiting for but I couldn't find it in my heart to have sex with her considering the mind state she was in. No matter how much I wanted to.

It just didn't feel right taking advantage of the fact that she was vulnerable.


"I need you inside of me"Des said as she stared into my soul

Hearing those words caused my body to go into shock. Des wasn't the type to openly asked for sex. She was the more of the quiet freak. So for her to just go right out and tell me this was all new to me.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I told her as I pulled away from her hold sitting up

"Why not?" She asked sitting up

"It just wouldn't feel right"

"So you don't want to have sex with me?" She frowned

"I do but it's just not the right time Des. I'm sorry it just don't feel right" I told her getting up fixing myself up

"Don't be. I understand. I'm sorry for coming on to you so strong"She laughed a bit

"No you shouldn't be sorry. We good though?"

"Yeah everything's good. Thank you for keeping me company"She said as she got up walking the door for me to walk out

End of flashback

"Well there goes any chance you ever had of getting her back" Mugga laughed walking away going to another section of the store

"What he mean by that?" I asked Jungle confused

"Shit I don't know ask him. I don't what logic that nigga be having" He shook his head picking up some shoes

"What you mean?" I asked Mugga heading to where he was at

"Dave she did that to see where your head was at. She was testing you to see how you felt about her. You denied her so now she's gonna pick the other nigga"

Things Changes(Dave East) SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora