"Well, I am checking the oven and I don't want to end up in setting on fire by an accident the kitchen." The redhead replied, chewing her bottom lip instinctively, blandly. "And I would like to apologise for my hasty voice but the dinner is going to be ready within minutes." She expressed her apology without dithering.

"Ah, it's okay! You shouldn't apologize at all, Val." The former holy woman accepted her apology. "It's still baking as you are nearby and you can glance at the oven's timer anytime."

"Exactly! What did you have for dinner?"

"I cooked tomato soup earlier and we ate this with Boston salad that I made."

"That sounds mouth-watering!" In the meantime, the maid licked her lips greedily as she could no longer wait for her dinner to be ready and sit on the kitchen table and share a remarkable dinner meal with Shona. Furthermore, she couldn't resist the hunger that hit her abruptly once the both women commenced to discuss the topic food. Clammy slombers betrayed to flow down, slithering her jawline until they verge to the ground, tumbling down like a crystal rain drop. "Mmmm!" The young lady hummed inwardly, melodiously.

"It is," Jude confessed cheerily, pursing her plump, rosy-coloured lips through her broad, charming smile. "And it's very healthy."

"No shit, Judy! I am sorry for interrupting you but the dinner is going to be ready approximately in a few minutes."

"It's okay! Good night and send greetings to your daughter!"

"Thank you and send greetings to Timothy and your beautiful little angels!" The Russian-American took a deep breath, blinking. "Good night, Judy!"

Then they hanged up as she set the headset back, stepping in front of the oven by reading properly the remaining time until it finally bakes as five more minutes until the dinner's ready. Subsequently, the housekeeper started to prepare the kitchen table for dinner by setting two empty, unused on the counter top for serving the dinner meal.


A day later

26th of February, 1970

Whilst Shona was at school and the twins were attending regularly kindergarten, Jude, Timothy and Valerie were home alone in the two story mansion with Agnes Jude.

Timothy was brewing coffee not only for himself in the kitchen, but also for his wife and the housekeeper. For this purpose, he has already prepared on the counter top three clean, mere mugs.

Valerie and Judy were sitting on the goth leather couch as the redhead held the infant in her arms as she was allowed by the blonde.

The daylight dispersed through the French window in the living room as the curtains were opened, bathing the room in pale light. The days were scarcely sunny though it hasn't been snowing for a week. Although the circumstances, the climate in Boston was obnoxiously chilly.

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