Good News

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Timothy's POV

30 minutes later...

As I was reading the daily newspaper in the living room, sitting on the goth sofa, the light that beams through the window into the wall like a projector, sipping my water from time to time. I read all the same time nonsence on the newspapers- lottery winners, car crashes, some celebrity rumours and so on. Suddenly I hear the sound of unlocking door until it creaks, being closed. 

I left the newspaper on the coffee table, immediately dashing from the living room to the hall, noticing Jude's euphoric face as her deliriously gorgeous brown eyes meeting mine, forming a long eye contact, she jumped immediately like my wife into my arms, bear hugging warmly and firmly, without letting each other, hearing from her the fantastic news:

-Tim, I am officially hired as a waitress in the retro restaurant! Yasss!- Jude cried out loud hysterically. My heart was near the verge to jump out of my chest due to happiness.

-Yes! Bravo, Jude! You did it! Congratulations!

A several seconds later, we withdraw our bodies, facing each other by gazing at each other's eyes with broad and serene smiles. Likewise we have kissed each other's cheeks, thereafter heading to the kitchen along, discussing the remarkable ocassion.

-Thank you! You were absolutely right...*taking a deep breath, hardly breathing due to the ectsas* They are going to hire me! They did it!- We sat against each other. 

-Don't you know how happy am I to hear that about my rare bird? I was absolutely right, of course! You should be moderate between the pessimistic and optimistic line, without crossing either of the far points.

-You were right! I think I needed to believe in myself a bit more. Of course, I do know how blissful are you for me! But can't you realise my infinite gleeness after the interview, can you, Tim?- Jude was faintly emotional than the usual, thanks to the elation. Anyway I am tolerant towards the overemotional moments because she can scream, shout, yell or whatever, nevertheless I cannot live without her and I cannot throw her out of my house like a stray dog.

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