Jude and Mother Claudia were the sole nuns who knew the best Timothy. First of all, he was known as a pure, innocent, bashful, self-conscious and benevolent man of the cloth, who has a strong and persistent personality. Nonetheless...especially from today, Jude didn't contemplate the same coruscation, oozing from him anymore. It was all of a doodah for her. He just significantly changed for one night. The affable, caring, soft-voiced Monsignor transformed in a cold-blooded, obnoxious, sinful and secretive. As an addition, he didn't pay a visit to her office occassionally. 

"Oh!" Jude cried embarrassed. "I think it's better to..." Jude got from the bed as she stretched her arms, aiming her direction to her office, opted to leave until Timothy got on her way as she was incapable to pass his way, lifting up the cane. "...check 'em! Urm, T-Timothy?" She inhaled inconvenietly, sensing her cheeks heating and heating as her eyes looked up at his darkened chocolate ones as an importuning smile loomed on her face. 

"Not so quickly, rare bird!" The cane slapped his other palm as she took a step backward, gasping as she hardly blinked, recognizing his unutterable demeanor lately. A smirk threatened to form on his fresh, youthful face. As Jude was taking a step backward, the more Timothy stepped forward. 

"But Timothy, I must check them. I am so..." He cut her off as she wasn't able to end her sentence like she wanted.

"Don't worry, they will be fine! You can check them sometime later." The younger man attempted to reassure her as his tempting, deep voice swam in her ears, jingling unknown tunes, whether pleasing or outlandish for her. Shivers down her spine of feeling wanted and inflicted bizarre. 

"Timothy, I am sorry for my intoxicity, however, let me go." She didn't want to harm him in physical way, nevertheless, her current opportunities were limited as she felt belittled as their roles switched. The weak, shieldless nun and the potent, possessed priest. Jude insisted stubbornly. "Please!"

"Shu, shu, rare bird! You are safe. Believe me, I am really looking forward to be with you." After her response, he shushed her as he took steps forward to her, trapping her as she was unable to escape his claws, leaning his head as his soft lips captured her feminine, luscious lips in a kiss, snaked an arm around her waist as she surprisingly threw her arms around his neck, pulling him to her as their proximity plummeted. Jude's heart raced, rapidly throbbing in her chest.

As soon as their kisses grew breathless and ferocious, their wet tongues commenced dancing against each other as their eyes were closed, his forehead resting against hers as he dangled his another arm with the cane around her waist, holding her closer to him. They deepened the kiss as she ran her fine, subtle fingers through his dark hair, relishing their unexpected moment. A hand of his moved up to her wimple, yanked it from her head, tossing it carelessly on her nightstand, releasing her long silky wavy hair, a mane of gold waterfall glistening in the almost pitch-black bedroom, dropping down to her upper back. Her curly strands brushing the rigid wool fabric that clothed her shoulders. Afterwards the same mammoth hand of his shifted up to her amorphous habit, unbuttoning it from her chin down to her bottom until pooled down her chunky heels, sensing the freedom of her flesh when the conservative clerical attire peeled off her shoulders and making its own way below.

The lust was a sin but the love wasn't. They had always a platonic and professional relationship in chaste along especially as a priest and a nun. The church has deprived them from having their own family, romantic relationship, personal life and being intimate. Jude has dreamt of Timothy spate times as her impure thoughts infused her minds for years, fantasizing for abundance of sultry dreams between them. For example, tasting his lips, hearing and listening the sacred anthems of their soft, sensual moans, ringing in their ears, their sweaty, stark bodies rubbing together, embarrassing address of their names from the top of their lungs, hoverboarding their lips.

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