The nun who stepped in his dorm was actually approximately middle aged one with slender body build, tall around 5'4, possessing pale, porcelain skin color, cold-blooded amber 2 pair of irises, rosy-coloured lips, chestnut hair, shoulder length as her hair bangs were freely exposed from her wimple, covering every inch of her hair that possessed once its silkiness.

"Evening, Father!"

"Evening, Sister Molly!"

"Pardon me for interrupting your prayer, if I..." She was cut off in the middle of her sentence as she squeaky door behind her. A slight, sympathetic smile curled up in the corner of her lips.

"It's okay. I was just praying!" He rose as he adjusted his posture, facing the older nun that stood against him, inches dividing them.

"You shouldn't apologize at all. The prayers are the excellent medicament for your soul."

"I know." A cocky, mild grin formed on his face. "And that's why..."

"What can you say about this, Father? What's your word on this sheet of paper, leaked earlier today?" Sister Molly demonstrated the newspaper with the obnoxious article that popped up in front of his winter blue eyes as their faces grimaced, meantime he scowled, glancing glaringly right at the article's headline. His heart freezed as his bile was in his stomach. His blood vigorously boiling in his veins like lava. Narrowed eyebrows as his temple creased.

He swallowed a lump in his throat, trying to figure out how to answer the older nun without much apprehension and impulsiveness. In the meantime, Alexander took a deep breath, imitating cleaning his throat.

"Take your time to assimilate it! You don't need to answer me right away."

The juvenile priest was as numb as a statue. Little did he know how indignant was the older woman in habit. He sensed it though he should be aware what kind of a response to deliver her. Alexander shook his head as he was ready to reply:

"This article is a lie about me. This journalist is the reason why my name is wearing a heinous title."

Further, the monsignor opted to lie the older nun as much as he could save his own skin from the venomous claws of his rivals.

Fortunately, Sister Molly was objective in the way she observed and suspected the things in the life generally. She wasn't misguided at all. It was obvious in her practical life experience how she's going to deal with the manipulator's compulsive lies.

"Oh, Father! You are so illusional! Can't you realize," She paused, didn't breaking the mutual eye contact, cocking up the newspaper into his eyes. "your lies won't get too far?"

Hence, he couldn't suppress a sharp inhale.

"The police will begin to search for you. They will inquire you. They will..."

"I know what exactly awaits me, Sister." He snapped at her as he drastically changed his tone.

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