Pleasure and Vigor

Start from the beginning

"This rat is going to talk about supernaturalism, right?" Valerie huffed inwardly to herself as her bare feet, manicured in obsidian black toenails, rested on the right end of the coffee table, propping her elbow with a hand as she held a cigarette, taking a puff off it. Mist dim promulgating abruptly from her frail nostrils and hardly trembling lips.

Shona was already asleep as she laid in the bed where she shared it with her mother, encompassed by its pitch darkness. The young girl didn't funk the darkness anymore. She overcame her fear a handful of years ago, thanks to her mother, who taught her diversity of things of the life, subsequently maturing from such brittle, young age.

In the interim, the young woman's attention was focused on the television as her hazel eyes were pierced into the screen as she prefered to listen, without peeling a word during the news.

"However, Cally was lastly seen a few hours ago by the guards even by our prominent guest here. So Father McKenzie, could you please tell us a bit more about the happened and if it's all that true!?"

"Well, Cally was one of the weirdest patients I have ever supervised in Briarcliff since I took this institution in my hands and rulling it with an iron fist. She was actually an odd woman, known as a mass murderess of cops not longer than five years ago as she was subsequently committed to Briarcliff, shortly before the former monsignor resigned from the church!" 


"It's true she's possessed by the devil. She has supernatural powers as nobody else does there. Nevertheless, have you ever wondered what was the worst issue that occured tonight?! Guards told me when one of the guards was unlocking her cell to go to sleep, she charged her head with her whole strength, bumping it in his as she ran away though the guards were after her and I witnessed partly this as I walked through the corridors of the institution until I saw her sprinting to the front door breathlessly. She was like a bolt."

When Valerie heard the word that the priest used in the last sentence, didn't help her to endure the rejoicing chuckle that is going to be emitted from the top of her lungs within seconds. It wasn't necessary to utter a word so that to express what she felt as an emotion now. Then she progressed with listening the evening news, puffing off the shorter length of her cigarette, dim shunning from her frail nostrils and melodical lips. 

"So, I would like to thank you for telling us what exactly happened, Father! It was such honor to hear your point of view about this insane woman and her escape! But...we have noticed something beneath criticism about this facility and it has to do with the patients and the staff. Furthermore, opulence of patients are complaining about the gruesome conditions and the poor-quality food and maddening meds they are ensured with. Could you explain to us why as an administrator of Briarcliff, the funding money aren't invested in improving the conditions?" 

"With all respect, I reject to answer this question!" 

"How haughty response, you hypocrite!" Valerie mumbled miffed.  

"Okay! It was pleasure and honor to hear your commentary, Father McKenzie!" 



"Frank, did you follow the late night news?" Valerie stated enquiring as she held the phone handset behind her ear, taking a drag off a cigarette.

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