Feels Like Summer

Start from the beginning

Jude inhaled after she munched a few bites of her bacon and scrambled eggs as she flipped back her untamed scalp with its sloping golden curls.

"I actually dreamed of waking up in the middle of countryside's field as there was nothing else than an enormous, multicoloured tent as I got from the grass, strolling up to the tent until I entered and I faced the toilsome challenge. To choose between three doors in three different colours such as as crimson red, emerald and lime green. The tent itself was cabalistical and so empty until I headed up to the first one, opening it as I met an odd woman, known as the most popular oracle in Massachusetts, introducing each other as I didn't know her and I have never seen her ever before in my life." Timothy nodded as he listened attentively Jude's monologue as she felt much better and relieved since the beginning of her narration, in the meantime she paused as she sipped her coffee, swallowing the coffee's fluid gushing down her body, ressurecting it in seconds.

"Her name was Sally Whigham! She wore Boho style garments. She offered me a cigarette and lit it up for me as we discussed together some things but I told her about Father McKenzie and his heinous wrongdoings, besides she knew him as she told me her story about him what he has done to her a couple of years ago. Sally was raped by him and fortunately, she has a child. Despite everything, he never bothered to see his child after her birth. Even Father McKenzie has never seen her ever again after he impregnated her viciously without her consent. And guess what she predicted about this man." The former nun paused once again as she cleared her throat, meantime Timothy placing a hand on her stark, creamy shoulder as his mammoth hand warmed her. Moreover, she gained more confidence and felt loved.

"Yes?!" He expressed questionably as he listened yet.

"She predicted his downfall as this young priest is going to be in jail one day. In the forthcoming future!" Smug smirk waved up in the corner of her lips.


The summer days in Briarcliff weren't that simple. Especially as an inmate or somebody from the staff.

Father McKenzie walked through the dim lit even darker than the usual hallway of the madhouse, his oxford shoes clicking against the cement floor. He wanted to check for naughty and disobedient patients in the common room and enjoy the torture over them.

Once he entered in the common room as some patients were banging their heads in the brick wall, whilst others were procrastinating, talking or just fighting. It wasn't silent at all. Their hysterical screams and shouts indisputably floated through the extensive room.

His azure blue eyes watched around as he ambled aloofly, wearing a smug, wicked grin across his lips. In the meantime, he surveyed scrutiny the common room as he wanted to make sure who is going to be his imminent victim.

The patients felt the juvenile priest's presence as some of them were apprehensive when they beheld him. Whilst there are patients, otherwise who didn't fear him at all, in spite of the inhumane sanctions.

Sun rays assaulted the window as sunlight bathed the common room. It was perhaps amidst the lightest rooms in the entire nut house. The frowst toyed with his nostrils as he checked the inmates once again.

Then he nodded as he left the common room in hushing ease, realizing they were alright.

As he was on his way to flee the room, one inmate jumped from nowhere on his path, scwrcely giving him the opportunity to move forward.

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