"It doesn't matter. It would still damage your family and even mine, if you ever did kiss me on the lips."

A temporary hush floated in the living room as the both women were in one another's arms, embracing tightly, warmly. All of a sudden, Valerie's sobs stopped. She was a strong young woman, who had struggled a lot, howsoever, she felt neglected when Mrs.Howard approved to being kissed on the lips. Then the silence was already broken as soon as they broke off the hug at last. As they pursued for each one's abysmal, down to earth eyes that wanted to share plenty of secrets and confessions though it was like the forbidden fruit. The blonde offered an amiable, platonic smile on her shining face as it lit immediately the younger woman's face, who smiled to her back. 

"Please, dear. Don't feel neglected and unloved as I stood for myself, protecting my marriage and your relationship with Velika!" 

"I will try to handle it," When Ms.Volkova's sentence abided unfinished, thanks to the unlocking door's sounds, it was unmistakeable who was back at home from work.

"Rare bird, I am back from work." The former priest kicked off his shoes as the both ladies startled but Jude was beyond frenzied inside as a broad smile rapidly grew across her lips whilst the maid's heart raced, when she heard a masculine voice coming from the corridor. 

Thus Valerie told Jude that she should go and wished her a nice evening, in the meantime she sped up as she told Timothy to have a nice evening, ignoring to eye him as her imminent direction was the front door. After he hopped up in slippers, he overlooked at the mildly opened door as he shutted it down, locking it. 

In the interim, Jude's elbows propped on her knees as her hands held her head, pushing apart of her hair, bending her head as she looked down at her painted red toes nails on her bare feet. What would her husband say if he find out that her wife's friend is a lesbian who attempted to kiss his wife on the lips? Of course, he would be as mad as a rabid dog. Even his jealousy would peak its borders. He was afraid of losing his most precious thing in the world. She was afraid either too. Just like him. 

All of a sudden, Mr.Howard walked up to her as he walked in the living room, noting his wife sitting on the goth sofa with bended head in her hands as he sped up a bit to join her. Moreover, he noticed the suspicious exiting of Valerie via the front door, without a clear, reasonable explaination yet. 

Once he sat alongside his wife, he wanted to look in her face as she evaded his concerned, warm chocolate eyes as her grimaced face prevailed her sunshine face, whenever she was happy as it can be accomplished by a handful of people only. 

"Judy, rare bird?" He questioned as she remained silent yet, without responding physically, nor verbally. "Is everything alright?" He clasped his both muscular, secure arms around her upper back, pulling her closer to him.

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