"It's your own decision. In spite of I can completely comprehend you why you don't want to be his maid due to his aggression and haughtiness towards you. You should be treated better."

In this moment, Valerie sighed as she hesistated between keep working as a maid of a person, who she detests mostly and vice versa, or otherwise to leave her position as a maid of Mr.Goodman, whenever she determines herself. 

"That's the main reason why I would like to leave, besides his disrespect towards me."

"I know. But don't you think about your child at least?"

"I care about my child, although I can be somebody else's maid rather than of a misogynist, who discrimnates me constantly."

"I can see how much do you care about your mental and physical health rather than about the money and your family." Velika snapped at her own lover as she slammed her small fist severely on the round table, glaring at the younger lady as she got from the armchair, exiting the living room as she headed outside to relax, besides for some fresh air, of course.

Once the young woman was all alone in the living room, she couldn't believe how tartly Velika reacted actually. It was more than her hopes. Furthermore she felt void, cold even upset for being misunderstood by her most beloved person in this world after her little precious angel Shona. As her heart went into her stomach. Except she felt so numb after this vexed discussion between them. 

Then Shona came out from her bedroom as she headed directly to the living room a little after the heated disputation ultimately ended, without any winners or even champions. As soon as she saw her mother's mood changed abruptly, she ran towards her as she jumped into her protective, affectionate arms as she sat on her lap, her head against her fiercely heart that currently beated in pain in her chest. Words hadn't been pelled yet. Until the hug broke off as the young girl prefered to sit on her mother's lap yet, opting to comfort her, thanks to her presence.

"Mommy, are you okay?" The little girl's big hazel eyes gazed at her frantic eyes as she can figure out her mother's recent mood, seeking the truth.

"How do you think, darling?" 

"You are upset." Shona guessed correctly as she replied boldly to her question.

"Yes, I am." She hugged even tighter her own daughter, leant down her head as she kissed the top of her head. "I cannot believe how your aunt misunderstands my alternative decision to not being Casey's maid anymore."

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