A Helping Hand - Simdil666

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This is based on my headcannon of them so yeah

Warning: A lot of blood



He doesn't know how long he had been trapped in the watery cage. But despite him being blindfolded and almost his whole body submerged in ice water, he relied on his excellent hearing to figure out how many are there and where he was.

He also figured out that he was nearby sea water by the salty taste in the air though it shouldn't be much of a problem to escape when he get out of his binds, but was deciding to bid his time.

He let out a low hum when he heard rapid footsteps heading towards the room he was held in and soon heard hushed talking, though the only think that he managed to pick up was someone attacking the base and killing everyone. He slightly lick his lips when he started tasting the blood in the air, exciting him a bit before quickly calming himself down and listened to the talking stop when the door suddenly slapped open and soon heard the sound of flesh being torn and sounding like water hitting the ground as the smell of blood grew stronger.

As soon as the sound had started, it quickly became quiet which he could feel a presence in the room.

"Care to help out?" He called out with a chuckle and barely flinched when he felt something cool gripping his jawline and tilted his head up. "Like what you see~" he slightly flirted with a smirk though he didn't get a response instead the cool feeling disappeared and suddenly felt the water quickly draining and the binds breaking which followed by footsteps walking out of the room.

Letting out a hum, he move to his feet while rubbing his wrists before removing the blindfolds to see the whole room was nearly covered in blood and three bodies on the ground.

Licking his lips more, he soon started following the bloodied footsteps to find the person whom caused all this as well as freeing him.

'Very creative' he thought as he was walking through the hallway while seeing many different corpses, each on killed in many different ways and the blood splatter along the wall.

Soon enough, he heard the sound of something hitting the ground repeatedly making him curious and walked closer and peaked inside to see a person crouching and when he started to walk towards him, he saw that the person have purple aura-like tentacles and one of them was holding a bloodied corpse and was slamming it on the ground over and over again.

"I think he have enough" He called out with a slight grin, seeing the person stopping and instead dropped the corpse before standing up and looking back to him and he couldn't help but look over the person, liking the way the person was covered in blood which brought out his eyes.

"So what brought you here?" he asked, watching the person tilted his head before one of their tentacles reach out to him. "Too shy to speak?" he asked before blinking in surprise when the person simply opened his mouth, showing that he was missing his tongue. "Mm....sucks, so you speak though these?" he asked which the person nodded before reaching towards on, touching it.

'They were part of the group....I had to kill them all' he heard a voice in his head. "Mm...sweet" he said with a grin before stepping closer. "Well, you put on quite a show" he said with a chuckle before holding out his hand.

"My name is Bodil, and you are?" he introduced himself with a toothy grin. The person stared at his offered hand for a moment before slowly reaching out, gripping his hand which Bodil noticed how cold his skin was, compared to his warm skin. 'My name is Simon' the person introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you" Bodil happily said which Simon nodded back.

"Hehe, come on lets get out of here" Bodil happily cheered as he started leading Simon towards the exit, not letting go of his hand, which Simon surprisingly didn't mind and silently followed behind the demon.


This is just where they first met so yeah

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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