Keeping you safe - Ssunkipz

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I think this is probably my first oneshot with this ship and yeah XD

Warning: Mention of Abuse



'I knew he was hiding something' Ian thought with narrowed eyes as he was half listening to the conversation that was going on until the meeting is over and everyone soon started leaving until only Ian and Husky were the only ones.

Seeing Husky distracted by some papers, Ian stood up and walked to the door before quietly closing it and locking it, so no one would walk in before walking to Husky.

"Hey Husky?" Ian called, getting the other's attention before barely holding back a growl when he caught site of the barely visible bruise under Husky's right eye,

"Hey dude, what's up?" Husky greeted back. Letting out a sot sigh, Ian leans down, placing his hands on each side of Husky's chair, trapping the Mudkip.

Soon, Ian suddenly saw the change in Husky. The Mudkip was tensed up, his fist clenching tightly and his eyes narrows for a second before it went away, but Ian had seen a slight fear before it went away and frowns. 'Something's wrong' Ian thought, trying to figure out what.

"I-Is there something you need?" Husky asked in an even tone, even though Ian heard the stutter.

Frowning, Ian reached up and firmly gripped Husky's jaw, quickly feeling the other flinch from the touch and tried to pull away, but Ian stopped it and slowly rubbed the bruise under Husky's right eye, making the Mudkip flinch in pain. Then Ian saw that his thumb was blue, the same shade as Husky's skin, which told Ian that the other was using make-up and saw that the bruise was bigger, making Ian growl in anger.

"Who gave you this?" Ian asked in a low tone, making Husky tremble a bit before stubbornly slapped Ian's hand away. "No one! I got it from an accident" Husky exclaimed as he glared at the older male.

Ian simply glared back, not really believing him and leans back, much to Husky's relief, and stands up. "Don't lie" Ian said, not buying the lie.

Growling, Husky stood up and glares at Ian. "I'm not lying!" Husky angrily exclaimed, but Ian could see that the Mudkip was nervous by the way Husky was playing with his red tie, but Ian suddenly saw something and gripped Husky's jaw, making the other jump, and gently lifted his head before lowering the other's shirt collar to see a dark blue ring with a hint of purple in the middle and narrows his eyes in anger.

"Who did this" Ian growls, now putting everything together and got even angrier at the final answer. "Did your boyfriend did this?" Ian asked which Husky quickly shook his head, "NO! He's not like that!" Husky quickly replied, denying what Ian said and glares at the older.

"DAMN IT HUSKY!" Ian growled out, slamming his fist on the desk in anger, making Husky flinch a bit, and glares back.

Both of them were glaring at each other, too stubborn to back down. The glare down lasted for nearly five minutes before Husky slowly stopped glaring and looked away, lowering his head a bit in submission which made Ian frown at that, knowing that Husky was too stubborn to back down without a fight.

Sighing, Ian pulled his left sleeve down and used it to wipe away more of the blue make-up, revealing a bigger bruise, making Husky whine a bit, trembling more. After he was done, Ian suddenly pulled the Mudkip into a hug which shocked Husky a bit before trembling even more and slowly started clinging to Ian while biting his bottom lip, trying to hold back his whimpers.

Barely hearing a small whimper, Ian simply tightens his grip and gently rubs Husky's back in comfort. "Did he?" Ian asked again, in a soft tone which Husky quickly broke down and started telling Ian everything.

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