Diary of Husky part final - Ssunkipz

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Sorry, but I had to write the final part of this, mostly for closure so yeah



(Twenty years later)

"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"I'm sure, I'll see you later Bobby"

"-sighs- Okay Lily, but call me when you're done" Bobby told her before walking off, leaving his cousin alone.

She watched him walk away for a few more seconds before turning her attention to the two tombstones in front of her. She read the names on the stones and felt her eyes water a bit before she stubbornly wiped them away and swiftly sat down in front of them.

"Hey mom....dad...." she softly said as she reached out and gently wiped away the dust off the front of the tombstones.

"I hope that you two are happy now" she said with a small smile, remembering how depressed her 'mother' was and was happy yet sad that he was gone, but she didn't let it get to her since she knew that her 'mother' was finally free from the pain at age fourteen.

"Don't worry about me mom" she said with a light laugh, "I'm doing alright with uncle Derp and uncle Benny and I guess little Bobby, even though he's a big baby but I still love him like a little brother..." Lily started to ramble on, pretending that she was really talking to her parents, lessening the pain in her chest. She didn't realized that she talked for nearly two hours until she felt her arms getting cold.

"Damn it" she mutters out as she quickly removed the jacket around her waist to put it on before checking her wristwatch. 'I should go before Bobby freaks out more' she thought as she looked back to the tombstones, "It was nice talking to you mom and dad, but I need to leave before Bobby starts calling me" she said with a small smile before moving to her knees and leans in to place a kiss on each stone, "I love you" she softly said as she move to her feet as she tried to hold back her tears while tightly gripping onto the edge of her jacket, but despite her best efforts, a lone tear quickly slid down her cheek causing her to clench her eyes tightly.

'I wish that you two were here' she thought as she quickly covered her eyes as more tears quickly slipped out and soon enough she started to let out sobs.

"W-Why did you have t-t-to leave me!" she cried out in pain as her whole body was trembling from both despair and the coldness. Then she suddenly stop crying when she felt something warm wrap around herself on her front and back before feeling a familiar touch on her head fin, making her tear up more before uncovering her eyes.

"M-Mom" she breathed out in shock as she saw a familiar Mudkip in front of her and holding her close. "Shh....please don't cry sweetie" she hear him softly said, making her shake a bit before wrapping her arms around him and sobbing on his shoulder. "Mommy!" she cried out, feeling her 'mother' comforting her like before. Then she quickly realized another set of arms around her and looked back to see another man, with the same transparent look. It took her a few seconds to quickly realized who he was, seeing the man from her 'mom's' pictures.

"D-Dad..." she said which the man simply smile down at her, confirming her question. Soon Lily pulled her father into a hug which he happily hugged her back.

After she ran out of tears, Lily slowly pulled away from her father's chest and slightly smile as she dried her cheeks, "I-I missed you two so much" she softly said before feeling her 'mom' placing a kiss on her cheek and her dad on her forehead. Lily closed her eyes as she savor the moment between her and her parents before feeling a hand against the side of her head and another kiss on her temple.

"Take care of yourself Lily and live your life" she heard her 'mom' speaking and nodded at his words, "I-I will mom..." she said before feeling the warmness slowly disappearing causing her to open her eyes to find herself alone.

Instead of feeling sad, she felt happy that she had that special moment with her parents before looking back to the tombstone with a small smile.

"I'll see you two next time" she said as she looked away and started to leave, feeling better than before.


So yeah that's the end of that little series xD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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