Chapter 60: Final

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No one POV:


    Aphmau had finished talking up with the Lord of Scaleswind and Nicole up at her house, and had gone down to check on everyone else. She had found out that Brian was the spy all along and it was painful. She knew him since he was a baby and he was the traitor? That wasn't something she should be thinking about at the moment and Donna wasn't making it much better.

    Donna and Yip had hid away, and didn't in fact go on the boat with everyone else. It was extremely reckless and Logan thought the same when he found out about her doing this. Going over to the plaza, Lucinda ended up being there also. It was much less surprising than Donna, since she could have most definitely been aiding them while fighting, but surprising none the less. She was helping her dad keep the captured enemy forces from O'khasis in check.

     Continuing forward, Aphmau found the houses to have holes blown threw the sides of them, everything looked almost abandoned. AND THEN KAWAII~CHAN TURNED OUT TO STILL BE HERE ALSO! She was healing the wounded soldiers of the other force. They may have been O'khasis but Aphmau wasn't planning on being a savage. They were human too. An invitation to take refuge in Scaleswind until the village was rebuilt was given by one of the injured guards. One of the Lord of Scaleswind's personal guards to be in fact.

    Aphmau had walked all around the village checking in on things, and was yet to find Y/n anywhere. It was odd considering her character. Laurence had even come up to ask if Aphmau had seen her. The two then started to suspect foul play being used and looked around for her. So far they found nothing but Aphmau had stopped in front of the guard station when they were about to pass it. "What makes you think she is in there?" Laurence had asked.

    "She used to sleep in the cells here, remember? It's better to be safe than sorry." They walked inside to find shattered glass on the wall and floor adjacent to (h/c)nette/blonde's unconscious figure. "Y/N!" They both yelled out as Laurence rushed to pick her up and bring her into his room(the closest bed). Aphmau had called both Katelyn and Dante in to see what had happened. Small laughs of relief left her mouth as Y/n slowly moved and opened her eyes after almost 10 minutes had passed.

    "Y/n, please don't leave me..." Laurence was so concerned and scared for her as she woke up, he was visibly shaking. "Leave you? Like hell I'm going anywhere...oww...where am I?" She was holding the side of her head in pain while looking around the room. "We found you unconscious, we're in Laurence's room right now." Aphmau explained the situation. Y/n was confused, having slight amnesia for the 30 seconds she had been awake.

   "Unconscious? What are you.....what are--GARROTH!" She checked herself. Triple checked herself. Y/n no longer had the amulet. Tears welled up in her eyes from anger, betrayal and guilt. "THAT BASTARD! I KNEW IT, I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Betrayed because she could actually trust him with her life. Guilty because Aphmau had assigned her to take care of the amulet.

   "You knew what?" Aphmau asked while another bad feeling started coming. Y/n was furiously wiping away at her eyes before she could start crying in front of them. "HE TOOK THE AMULET!" Everyone else in the room was in shook. He took it? Why would Garroth do that? Y/n tried to stand up from the bed. "We HAVE to find him right no--" As soon as she stood on her ankle, Y/n collapsed to the ground. "Fuck!" It was painful for her so stand on.

    Laurence set her back on the bed and looked at her leg. The ankle was completely swollen. "Y/n?! You fought without telling anyone you were hurt?! I told you to stay off of it!" She smacked his hand away and glared up at him. "That shit doesn't matter right now, you need to go find Garroth!" Everyone knew not to take her words lightly. He had been acting strange and clearly just went against his own people.

     But Laurence was angry and confused on why he even touched Y/n when he shared the same deep feelings for her as Laurence did. "We will, but you are to not stand up. Stay where you are and do not move." Y/n retaliated saying how he isn't in charge of her before Aphmau cut in. "Y/n as your Lord I am ordering you not to move." She finally shut up after that. If she couldn't even keep the amulet safe she had to listen to one thing right?

Y/n POV:

     I was left in the room alone as the four of them booked it out and down the ladder. They already had a plan for a search party and where putting it into action. 'Why couldn't I just get through to him?' I had been having an itch in the back of my head for a long while now and I finally decided to actually think on it. Garroth has been stuttering a lot more around me than he has around Aphmau. He hesitated when Zane asked him for his blessing when Laurence pretended we were engaged.

    Garroth caught me from the tree instead of Aphmau. He got upset when Laurence was talking to me in the cave when we were at the wolf tribe. Aphmau told me that he stormed off after finding out that Laurence 'confessed' to me at Lucinda's house. Garroth got super red in the face and awkward when he was first helping me train. He stared for a long time when I switched up my hairstyle. He tried on many occasions to walk me somewhere even when I continued to reject his offers.

    I caught him glancing at me many times when I was patrolling with him once. He took and keep his helmet off after I asked instead of Aphmau. He was immediately there to get Laurence away from me when we both fell in the pond near Pikaro. Garroth has been a lot more cold to me lately than he has to Aphmau. He implied the he saw me doing something that I didn't do. "Of course that wasn't Aphmau." His words rung in my head. My eyes widened when dread quickly sunk in.

Things were starting to add up, but not in the way I thought it did. Laurence hadn't been making things worse. I had. Im not accustom to this village, so Aphmau isn't my Lord. I shot off the bed in a flash, falling down in pain like I did before. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. They had my pole leaning against the wall and I grabbed it. Using it as a cane and pushing myself off the floor.

The ladder was a challenge, since I basically had to climb down with only one foot. Even on that I ended up slipping and falling to the floor again. The broken mug was still all over the ground, so I had to slow down again as to not get hurt in my other foot. No one was around the area to stop me when I looked around.

'This is taking too long!' I was hobbling down the path to the open gate. Dante was standing there but I couldn't see Aphmau, Laurence, Katelyn, Kenmur or even Emmalyn anywhere. Shit. Dante saw me approaching and tried to stop me. "Y/n, what the Nether are you doing up?!" I didn't have time for this. "Dante, this is serious! Let me by!" He still blocked me, taking my pole and throwing it behind me. "Dante what the fuck?! Why would you do that?!"

"I'm not letting you hurt yourself more! They can handle this! Aphmau told me to stay here and wait for them to get ba--" A blinding white flash came from within the forest. There was distant shouting before, but now nothing else could be heard from within. Niether me not Dante spoke a word but I was wailing in silence.

"What have I done?"

1404 words.

To be continued....

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now