Chapter 26

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Y/n POV:

I was a little relieved that Aphmau caught on fast enough. The brunette stepped back some, so that he would now be talking to the both of us. "So, F/n and Mindy. Well, would there be anything that Jeffery, a Jury of Nine, would be able to help with?" Aphmau was surprised as I faked mine. Just seeing him was tugging as my heart strings.

NOT IN A LOVING WAY!!! Hell no. But just, the feels are strong in this one. "Jury of Nine?" I asked in a shocked manner to make it more believable. "Impressed I see? Yup. I'm quite strong and you might say..... good looking? Heh." 'Ew, no.' I let out a very awkward laugh. Aphmau responded to him for the both of us, "Don't flatter yourself."

     "Feisty ones I see. Not too bad. Would you give me the honor of treating the both of you to a lunch?" Food sounds good in my opinion. I turned over to Mindy showing her that I didn't mind. She simply shrugged having me turn back around. "Sure but it's not a date." He nodded knowingly. "I can respect that. Barkeep! Your finest dish."

    We were given pot roast, in a bowl that was then set in top of a plate. Classy. "So F/n and Mindy, what brings you two too Pikoro Village?" We both quickly glanced at each other before smiling brightly.

"Just passing through."

'Shit.' I lightly laughed off a nervous tick. "We were passing through, and Mindy just so happens to have family here." The smartest off-the-bat answer I have come up with yet. "Well, it's pretty dangerous now a days to be 'passing through' Pikoro. As you can see, there are O'kasis guards everywhere and you might have run into some werewolves on the way here."

   I mentally chuckled at the last statement. "Yeah, definitely did that. But would you mind me asking why O'kasis is here?" The green eyed male slightly straightened his posture. "The High Priest of O'kasis ordered them to be here...... Quite the mess if you ask me. But I'm in no position to question that little jerk."

Aphmau perked a little. "You don't like the High Priest?" He gave a bitter sweet smile while looking down. "Not one bit. I'm probably the only guard on the Jury of Nine who doesn't. Then again.... I'm the only one who has someone who looks up to them." My expression automatically softened. I fixed it soon after to continue the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Jeffery blinked; coming out of his own thoughts, in sort of a flustered manner. "Oh, um... I have a super sweet little girl. She's the most adorable thing you ever did see. Here, let me show you a picture of her." He pulled out a photo and slid it over to the both of us.

    It felt like someone was standing on my chest, as I looked at the picture

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It felt like someone was standing on my chest, as I looked at the picture. Of course she is a beautiful not real little girl, but even fake characters can make you hurt. In both a sympathetic and relatable way. Mindy squealed slightly as I let out a genuinely large smile. "Aw! She's so cute!" His whole face lit up some more as he was going through a small stack of photos.

"She's the light of my life. I love her more than money, fame, and well... life itself! Haha, here are some of her playing with other dog. And another one of her at the lake. She's such an angel!" The backs of my eyes stung slightly as I watched him look at his daughter with such joy. I blinked a few times, and it eventually died down.

"Hey," Mindy had a confused expression on her face. Thoughts of choking her on the spot crowded my mind, as I remembered what she was gonna ask. "Don't you have a wife then?!" 'Are you fucking kidding me? I know people cheat, but is divorce so uncommon in this era of time???' Jeffery's attitude turned all the way down.

His eyes were a little wider as he awkwardly looked away from our direction. I elbowed Mindy as subtle as possible without looking at her. "Eh..? I um.......I did. Once. She *ahem* passed giving birth..." I turned my face away from the scene entirely and started messing with the ends of my hair. There was a lump in my throat as I choked it down, silently.

"..........I'm SO sorry........." Jeffery was quick to try and reassure Mindy that it was fine. That he had his daughter who was the spitting image of his wife. "Anyways, I uh... better get back to my duty. That water well won't guard itself, haha! You take care of yourselves Mindy, F/n. Oh, and if you're ever in O'kasis hook me up! I'd love for you to meet my daughter! See you later!"

And with that, he was gone. I looked over at Aphmau again once he was for sure gone. "Very sensitive questions I see." Aph' face drained of its color as she was about to start up her rambling. I stood up from the table and collected the rest of our meal. "Come on. Jeffery mentioned guarding a well. Lets go inform Garroth."

    We fast walked back over to the inn trying not to look too suspicious. I waved at the inn keep before rushing up the staircase. Aphmau called Garroth as soon as the door shut behind us. She explained to him our encounter with Jeffery. He sounded slightly shaken at first along with confused, before putting it to the side.

    Garroth briefly went over a plan him, Laurence and Dante would take part with once night falls. The conversation left off at that as we both had nothing else to do for the remainder of the time, and instead took a short nap for the time being. It was about 5 hours later, when we got a call back on the amulet. Guards had been posted outside the inn again along with the well.

    The plan was for the three of them to throw eggs at the guards as a harmless distraction. Aphmau and I would then sneak down to the well and find out what they are hiding. It sounded completely ridiculous but well structured. No crazy man hunt would be on them if they actually pull it off either. Well, lets get this show on the road.

1082 words.

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