Chapter 4

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Y/n POV:

    I decided to just follow Aphmau around. There wasn't really much I could do right now, especially since Donna was about to get married. But there was the occasional "Hi!" to the person I didn't see yet. Aphmau even let me come into Cadenza's house
with her.

Basically memorized by now, Cadenza said how she would make everyone's dresses. Aphmau asked if hers could be Lilac purple. Me taking the chance to ask for a F/c bodysuit instead of a dress. Cadenza was more than happy to say yes. Saying something about how 'that would be a wonderful challenge to top everything off.'

We then took off to Kawaii~chan's house. When we got to the basement, and I was bombarded by Kawaii~chan like I did to her yesterday. "Y/n-chan is back already, along with Aphmau-senpia!" We had another hug fest, consisting of sampling different cakes. Ending in Kawaii~chan making the wedding cake.

With a large smile on my face, I then followed Aphmau down to the plaza. That smile completely disappeared however when I saw the small gathering in front of a booth. I stopped walking and stared at that person with complete hatred. "What's wrong?" Aphmau asked me, turning back around.

I put on a fake smile, "oh it's nothing. Just keep me away from that asshole before I shoot him." Donna called Aph over, before she was able to question me. Zane made eye contact with me, and I gave him a look of nothing else but disgust. He clearly got the memo, and decided to casually strut in my direction.

When he got 10 feet away, I pulled out my SIG and aimed it right at his head. He stopped and looked at me confused. "Good evening madam. What is it you have in your hand?" I glared into his pitch black soul. "It's called a gun smart ass." One of his guard raised their swords. "You are speaking to the high priest! Show some respect, peasant!"

I turned the gun over to him instead, shooting his sword out his hand. "You're not the boss of me metal head. Fuck off." I turned a heal and started walking in the other direction, when my arm was forcefully pulled back. I yanked it away, aiming once more right in the middle of their forehead.

     Again, it was none other than the High Priest. "What do you want, Zane?" I tried to let it sink in again that I wanted him to drown in lava. He simply brushed it off again. "It seems the maiden isn't very fond of me. Also, she seems to know who I am while most of the others don't."

     "What's it to ya?" Zane saw what a P226 can do, even if he doesn't know what it is yet. "Well, you know who I am and you still threaten me. Do you wish to slaughter your village?" I pushed his head back with the tip of my gun, before putting it back in my bag.

     "This isn't my village. I'm simply dropping in. So if I wanted to, I would kill the lot of you. But I want to see the story play out, so you may live another dreadful day, High priest." I left him there standing stupid, as I made my way over to Aphmau's house. Garroth was posted outside the door to Levin's room.

      "Hey Garroth!" He turned over to me. "Lady Aphma- oh I-it's you." I rolled my eyes. "Jeez, I know I'm ugly but damn." He started shaking his head and hands. "Th-that's not what I meant! Just that this is Lady Aphmau's house and I was waiting on her so I expected it to be-" I simply laughed him off.

      "Garroth, Garroth, calm down don't short out a brain cell! It was a joke. I'm just trying to make conversation." He went back to how he was before I got here. Stiffing up and turning away. That suddenly made everything a lot more awkward. We both just stood there. The occasional sound of Levin and Zoey playing.

"......Do you not like me or something?" He looked back at me. "No, I....I just don't trust you." I smiled and got back in the cross cross position like earlier with Aphmau. "Than ask me whatever question is bothering you." I patted the floor telling Garroth to do the same. It took him a minute, but he finally sat down also.

"What did you mean earlier about me, 'deserving a lot better'?" I had to remember when I said that. "What I meant is what happened in your past, and what's going to happen in your future."

"What do you mean by my future?"

       "......well, the best way to explain it is that everyone experiences disappointments. You just happen to be one of the people who have more than most. But it's not just you, so don't think too hard on it." Garroth nodded then looked down."I have one more question."

"Lay it on me."

"Why did you end up coming here? Here as in this, dimension?"

      Hmm...I had to think about that one. "I guess..... because I think that this place is better than back home? I didn't even really think that the dude would actually send me here, but here I am! I don't know how long I'm staying though."

      Aphmau suddenly came down the stairs. "Time to go check on Levin~" here eyes widened when she reached the bottom. "Oh. Hello!" I waved at her then stood up dusting myself off. "I'm gonna go to bed." Aph tapped me before I left upstairs. "Where are you sleeping Y/n?"

"In the guard station." Aph then started going on a rant about her being able to get me a bed and sleeping here. "Hey! Aphmau, I WANT to sleep in the guard station. It's basically like going to prison, but smaller." She hesitantly nodded with narrowed eyes.

I then walked backwards up the steps doing finger guns. Walking out the house, the presence of an unwanted person was near. "What are you doing now, you jar of piss?" Zane emerged from the shadows like a creeper.

"Oh just thinking of different ways to kill you." I gave an over exaggerated gasp. "Wow! I'm doing the exact same thing! Did you know that there are over 100 ways to murder someone with a fork?!" He seemed highly amused by my answer. "I'll keep that in mind next time I use a fork then."

Zane was now just following me to the guard station. "And why are you going into a cell?" He asked with sarcasm laced in his voice. "Why are you covering 3/4ths of your face?" I said right back in a mocking voice. He simply replied with a glare saying 'I could kill you without lifting a finger'. Me growling right back at him.

I walked into my cell and into the bathroom. "Zane, I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, but you're not coming in here." I slammed the door in his face. It was a nice bathroom considering that this is jail. I changed into a (black/white) cammy and camouflage shorts with some fuzzy socks.

Opening the bathroom door again, Zane was thankfully no where in sight. But the iron door to the cell was closed. Great. That filer is really going to come in handy tomorrow. It was super dark, as I navigated to the bed. Silently laying down, as I drifted off to sleep.

1252 words.

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