Chapter 27

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Aphmau POV:

Y/n and I waited side by side in front of the inn window. The two guards were still posted out front, seeming slightly bored. A round, cream colored object was then launched at one's face. It broke open and yolk poured out onto their face. Several more were being thrown, as the two guards began to run in the direction the eggs came from. Y/n lightly snickered beside me before slowly opening the door, to stick her head out.

The both of us then booked it out of the open to a nearby tree trunk. There were no O'kasis guards in sight. So they are at least distracted, for now. We made our way over to the well where Y/n immediately stepped over the ledge and pressed a hidden button on the ceiling. There was a low grumble underneath us, and the water slowly started to sink. I looked at Y/n with an approving nod, as she motioned for me to go first.

The water was freezing cold as we landed at the bottom. Shoes would have been worthless in this situation, since it reached it to our knees. We wadded in the direction of a low light source. There was no one else down here that we could see. It was a tightly packed area with a lot of gears. A button was placed on the wall with a sign above it. Telling all guards to refill the well before continuing.

I pressed it and looked around for an exit. A lone doorway sat in a dark corner. We both quietly walked towards it and peaked through. It was like a short, dark and narrow hallway on either side of what I can think is a sewer. Y/n said something about this reminding her of catacombs or something. Our footsteps echoed and bounced off th walls. We reached a corner and turned into another hallways like place, except a little longer. An iron door sat next to us, probably another exit.

In my vision I could faintly make out a wide set of stairs leading downwards. I walked forward as Y/n followed after me. Another light source could be seen coming from wherever these leaded. The sound of fire came across my ears, the closer we got. My feet stopped when a room came into view. The floor, walls, and ceiling were completely covered with obsidian. Two Nether brick pesistals were in the middle of the room. And on those pesistals sat Lord Burt and another man seeming to be in his 50's.

"L-lord Burt!!" I started shaking him and yelling his name, trying to get a reaction. Nothing happened, so I tried with the other guy. Getting the same reaction. I knew I was being hysterical and what I was doing was pointless, but that didn't stop my from trying. I heard the sound of Y/n drawing her sword, and I turned around. Jeffery was blocking the exit while softly glaring at the two of us. I forcefully laughed in a very awkward manner.

"Haha, I knew I took a wrong turn." Y/n took a subtle step forward, furrowing her brows in a manner that I couldn't understand what she was feeling.

"I knew you two were familiar when I saw you, a swift change of clothes won't change your face or your aura. You should do a better gob at hiding your powers."

Y/n scoffed lowly in annoyance. "I'm still calling bullshit on these accusations." Jeffery displayed his own for of irritation. "Don't play dumb Lord Aphmau and said villager Y/n. Now if you'd kindly step this way I can have you to Zane immediately."

I can hear the sound of my own heart beat drumming in my ears. The heat only made me feel worse, as sweat trickled down the back of my neck. "B-but I thought you didn't like Zane! Jeffrey have to let me help these lords!" He had confusion written all over his face. "You want to help them? I don't understand, a Lord actually wanting to help others? So you mean to tell me that you don't actually sit on your bum all day and do nothing?"

I shook my head at his statements "I'm not that type of lord." Jeffery didn't nearly look convinced. "Sure. These lords will be the first sacrifice of many for the one King. The rightful King... who will make SURE justice is given to those who deserve it." Jeffery's glare now turned dark. He started walking to us, looking like he might try to drag us both away if he wanted to. Y/n stepped in front of me an swung her sword, making him step back. "Justice?......What about your daughter?"

Y/n tensed up as soon as the words left her mouth. I remember her saying something about being super close to her dad, before she moved out. Jeffery is his daughter's only parent and he talked about loving her to pieces. I feel as though this is connecting in a way, but I can't think about that right now.

Jeffery's eyed widened before he slightly stumbled back and let his hair cover his eyes. He had a scowl on his face. "My-my daughter has nothing to do with this!" He took a step back, as Y/n moved forward. "What would she say if she knew her daddy was hurting the innocent?" Jeffery was at a lose of words. " know this is wrong." He threw some golden lassoes on the ground.

".....Take them.....There's a tunnel that leads to the outskirts of town. Now go. Take them and flee.......Before I change my mind........." I staggered to pick up and put each lord in a lasso. Y/n stood in her same spot until I was past them and in the hallway. "....I hope you'll still be offering to let me see her in the future. Farewell Jeffrey." She then ran off ahead of me in the direction of the iron door we passed before. Once I reached he, Y/n was furiously wiping her eyes. I touched her shoulder, causing her to flinch. "A-are you alr--"

"Go get the button Aphmau..." Y/n cut me off before sighing heavily. Her body language practically screaming, 'I HAVE SOME THINGS I WANT TO GET OFF MY CHEST BUT I ALSO HAVE TOO MUCH PRIDE TO TALK ABOUT IT.' I decided to just let her be for now and ran to get the button that we had used before, for refilling the well. The door opened, revealing another lone hallway with a ladder at the end of it. We both booked it over and quickly made our way up. A secret trap door let us out into the woods.

I let out a relieved breath, right as an arrow shot past my head and into a tree. I yelped and turned to see O'kasis guards. They were about to shoot again, when Garroth slashed through the both of them. "Lord Aphmau, Lady Y/n! I did not expect you to be out so soon. What happened?!" I tried explaining, but everything came out as short breaths and random words. I looked at Y/n to see that she hasn't been crying, but her eyes were red from when she was rubbing them. Garroth made the two of us saddle up on our horses, saying we looked pale.

I just hope everyone will be ok.

1261 words.

I'm realizing that Y/n sort of sounds like a Mary Sue OC (a lot like Aphmau actually) but it's a lot simpler/more complicated than I sounds. Just know that she isn't your average fanfiction character with stupid family problems, and she definitely isn't the daughter of Irene(why do people do that? They make the reader the DAUGHTER of Irene, yet that still have APHMAU in the story) or some shit like that. Just think of how Kiki can only talk to animals and not become one, or Kawaii~Chan can make dolls come alive and not turn them into humans. It's a simple magicks subject.

So don't think too hard on it.

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