Chapter 23

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Y/n POV:

     It was excruciatingly boring. The plan was being taken into affect now, but it was all up to Aphmau since she was the closest to Lucinda. I was staring at the ceiling and rethinking my life choices, when baby wolf Aphmau came over. I rolled over to the bars and tried to pet her. "Aphmau you're so cuuuuuuute."

She left out soon after that. "Who wants to play tic-tac-toe while we wait?" Dante raised his hand, so I went over to him. There was a small stick on the ground, so we used that to take turns with. We both won twice, and this was going to be the tie breaker. I made a two way, waiting for Dante to go in one of the left spaces. He placed an O on BOTH of the spots claiming victory.

"I call cheatsies!" He crossed his arms in front of him. "Cheatsies? Well I call sore loseries." We started arguing from there. "Sore loseries? Then I call making uperies!"

"I call stupideries!"

"I call ignoranteries!"

"I call retarderies!"

"I call little bitcheries!"

"I call profanities!"

"I call shitwaderies!"

"I call punk ass--"

I attacked him, and we started fighting. Not badly enough to get seriously injured, but enough to get a point across. We were making a lot of noise without realizing it. "Mother fucker!" I kicked him in the shin. "You can kiss my ass!" He kneed me in the side. And all this over a tic-tac-toe game.

We were cut off from the sound of footsteps on the stairs. The two of us scattered to the corners of the cell, me trampling over Laurence in the process. It turned out to only be Aphmau. I stuck my tongue out at Dante then got up off the poor guy. Aphmau opened our doors and grabbed Logan, as we all rushed out to our horses and Lucinda's broomstick. It was almost unreal how stupid the wolves were to leave our stuff in the same location as us.

We quickly escaped before they could sense Lucinda's magic. She then lead us to her house, since Logan was in no condition to travel; not even if he were in the golden lasso. We set up camp outside of her house after thanking Lucinda for her hospitality. Malachi rode around on my back, as I watched Aphmau finally ask Dante to be one of her guards.

It made me laugh when he started acting like she had just purposed to him. Dante didn't say yes immediately, but instead said he would think about it. Mmmmmm, basically meaning yes. Another brilliant idea then came to mind. I had Malachi turn the both of us invisible as I snuck up behind Garroth, whose helmet was off again. And then jumped onto his back, watching him freak out and try to keep his balance.

Malachi turned us visible again. This made him lose his shit. "Y/n! That's dangerous!" I leaned over to his ear in a deep voice and whisper, "I know." Before jumping off. "And she sticks the landing!" I looked back at him, as he now had a cherry red face. "W-what was that for?" I shrugged while putting Malachi down, who ran over to some flower.


I was surprised that no one else noticed what happened. I called Malachi back over. "Lets do Laurence now." Garroth face palmed but decided to watch what went down. Once me and Malachi jumped onto Laurence, he had a completely different reaction.

He didn't know it was me, but he grabbed onto where my hind legs would be and started spinning around. I had to make sure Malachi didn't slam into a tree. Laurence kept going faster with a straight face. "AAAHHHH!! LAURENCE STOOOP!!" Malachi wanted to get off and made us visible again. Laurence finally stopped and looked behind him. "Y/n!"

He set us down, and I couldn't tell what was what. I let out a drunk laugh, while swaying heavily. The world started taking a divot and Malachi slipped down. "Lets do that again." My footing slipped, when two sets of arms caught me. Two on my waist and one on each wrist. "Irene, Y/n I'm so s--" Laurence cut himself off over something.

I was lifted back up onto my own two feet. I wavered for a second before steadying myself. Looking up, a slight tension could be sensed between Garroth and Laurence as they had a stare down. Malachi was holding onto his head and steadying himself against me. "Uh, I don't feel so good." I patted his head before lifting him up again. "Wanna go do Aphmau now?"

He immediately let go of his head with an evil grin replacing his previous face. "Definitely." The both of us went unseen, right as Aphmau came over. "Have the two of you seen Y/n?" They started looking around, when we tackled Aphmau. Reappearing right away this time. "Haha!" She fell down, not expecting all the extra weight.

"Sweet mother of Irene!" Me and Malachi were dying. It was too funny to do anything else but laugh. Aphmau began to softly hit me with her tiny, potato hands. "You....Are....A....Jerk!" I did it right back to her. "Thank....You....For....Noticing!" I gasped, remembering the task that Lucinda was going to have Aphmau do.

Kill a queen crab for her eyeball, cause it'll somehow help Logan. It's not going to change anything depending on WHO exactly does it, unless it's one of the guys. So now I want to go do it also. I grabbed Aphmau's wrist, and then dragged her into Lucinda's house. They had their little conversation, as I grabbed some necessary potions.

I always wanted to see in the dark.......and fly.......and time travel.......and be a vampire.......and have a zombie apocalypse........and drink the blood of my enemies........and a lot more. We snuck off, saying we were going to go check on the horses.

Aphmau started giggling when we hid behind a tree. As we turned around, I had to cover her mouth from screaming. Malachi had followed us, and there's no point in lying to him so we just told him what was happening. And now little o'l Malachi is coming along, because he doesn't have hormones. :D

There was a randomly huge ass cave close by. It was super duper dark, so we drank our potions. The little bubble things stated coming, like in a drunk anime drawing. As soon as we stepped in, the crabs noticed us. Aphmau started freaking out, while trying to hit one. They weren't doing that much damage, and she eventually stabbed it.

It let out a noise and then poofed out of existence, dropping a bone, a heart, and a painting..............what? We continued on deeper in. There was a crab randomly stuck in a water fall, so we just left it alone. The queen was freaking huge. She wasn't facing us, so I ran up and jumped onto her back. She let out a screech, and attacked Aphmau.

The queens legs were slashed, a few being took off. She must have noticed that I was on her, because she started trying to buck me off. I raised my sword up and stabbed straight thru her. An ear piercing scream was let out. The wall started shaking for a second, before the queen fell to the ground. Upon hitting the floor, she poofed.

Aphmau grabbed the eye, and we made our way out of the cave. The bubbles from the potion were still on us, so we had to wait a minute for them to go away. Malachi was talking about how much fun that was, and how he was worried about Aphmau at first. I laughed and riffled his ghost hair up, as we walked back to the camp.

1269 words.

What. The. Fuck. I had a whole chapter go up in flames because my damn phone died. Isn't wattpad supposed to automatically save????? I'm calling bullshit.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now