Chapter 58

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Y/n POV:

    We were all back in the barn after the collection of materials and crafting of what was needed. Many weapons and sets of armor were put of stands as more were still being made. I had bandaged up my ankle when no one was looking, to keep it from swelling or wobbling. I was near the barn entrance with Aphmau when Katelyn suddenly walked in. Gale took one look at her before taking out his miny blade and running towards her.

   I took mine out as well and blocked off his attack. "Hey, back up buddy. Lady Katelyn isn't a threat and has been on our side. It wasn't her who was apart of what happened to Mateli, she's just come to talk." Gate backed down and apologized for his reaction. Katelyn took no mind to it saying she would have done the same, before asking to sit with Aphmau. The two then walked to the back of the barn to talk.

    I informed Hayden that I would be right back, and would need someone's assistance getting a significant item that would help in this war of ours. Garroth was the only other person open at the moment, so Hayden assigned him to help. We had to walk back to my house, neither one of us talking. I didn't feel like I had anything to say to him anyways. Next to the lowered platform was two thick sets of rope going into the ground.

   They were attached to each other from the top, being placed over a hook. I started pulling down on the one on the right side as the left went upwards. The ground under it began to rise with a compartment holding the 5 firework cannons that Nicole and I had worked on a few days ago. "What are those?" Garroth finally asked in his unpleasant tone. "...They're helpful inventions that are gonna take a little field test on the enemy spawn."

    I wanted to keep my answers as vague as possible. No point in helping the other side. All 5 were chain linked to each other as an easier way to transport them all. I lowered the compartment back into the ground and let Garroth pull the cannons front while I pushed the back. No way do I trust him out of my vision field. We got back to the barn and I lined them up next to the other weapons.

Katelyn informed us that she had resigned from her Jury of Nine position and was offering her boat as a way out for the kids and other villagers. I thought it was funny how she made the crew walk the plank in the middle of the ocean so that they would not harm anyone. We followed after her to get everyone who couldn't fight, on board.


   Laurence, Katelyn and I stood at the edge of the dock watching Zoey, Dale, Levin, Malachi and Aphmau. "I'll take care of Levin with everything I've got. You don't have to worry mom. I love you." Malachi told her with a half hearted smile. Levin still didn't know what was happening and just thought they were going on a trip. "Mommy join us soon, right?" He asked smiling up at her. Aphmau smiled back at him, trying not to cry.

    "O-of course I will...!" Everyone else stayed quiet while they had their moment together. "I love you momma..." She wiped her eyes before turning to Zoey. "The children will be okay. If something happens, I will take them into the Yggdrasil Forest." Aphmau thanked her once more. "No harm will come to them as long as I'm alive." Even though Dale is able to fight, he was appointed to watch over everyone on the boat. If they are attacked, they can't be defenseless.

    Aphmau leaned down and the three of them hugged one last time. Aphmau was in full fledge tear mode, letting it all out as their boat sailed away to safety. "Th-they'll be fine right? We have nothing to worry about." Laurence chose to give her something to look up about. "When one window closes another one opens. Look behind you... our allies ships are arriving." And that they were. Pikaro, Bright Port and the wolf tribe were all sailing in our direction.


    All the Lords gathered together at one table. No guards present but still nearby. Everyone was waiting to finally be addressed and given orders for the quickly approaching battle. They all came down the ladder and stood on the stage in front of us all. "I am Lord Aphmau of Phoenix Drop. With me are the noble leaders of the villages present here today. Hayden, of Mateli. Azura, guard and substitute lord of Bright Port. Boldoff, alpha of the wolf tribe. And Luke, Lord of Pikaro village.

   "For years we have stood our own ground, but with the formation of the Phoenix Alliance we stand together as one. This will be the first battle we fight as brothers & sisters and for that....I want to thank you.... I want to thank you all for being here no matter what. Know that Phoenix Drop will never forget your bravery this day. The Lords and I have devised a plan of defense. Though we have also have a plan of attack. We are going to defend the ways as MUCH as possible.

    "However, there is a chance that our defense.... won't last long against Scaleswind. In which case we will switch to offensive tactics. Azura and the head guard of villages will be going through a battle strategy with you tonight. Please, when you can... find the means to sleep. Scaleswind along with the aid of O'khasis will be more than a challenge to fight. But together, we can end this rain of fear from their armies!"

    Aphmau nodded to Azura and got off the stage and into the crowd. I would have clapped, but now isn't the time for sarcastic humor. I was so zoned in of what Azura was saying, that I didn't notice Laurence next to me. We were in the far back so it was ok to talk quietly. "You don't seem too used to any of this yet. Not like it's a normal thing but... how are you holding up?" I breathed out a sour laugh before scratching my head.

    "To be honest, I only ever really saw this type of stuff in movies and commercials telling you to join the army or navy. I actually haven't been too good." He looked my face over before responding. "I can tell. You look more and more exhausted every day. Want me to carry you home again so you can get some rest?" I wanted to say no and yes at the same time but didn't know if he was being serious or not.

    "I don't even know right now." I forced a laugh out. "This is where you say, 'No Laurence, God you're such an ass', remember?... Honesty I hope you go back to your old Laurence-Rejecting self. Seeing you this stressed out is just painful." He shouldn't even be worried about me, other people are feeling the same. "Aphmau has it way worse than me though. She's the Lord and is feeling responsible for everyone's life."

    "Well it's not like you aren't either. You just got into the swing of guarding and now you have to protect other people's lives while risking your own. If these are to be our final moments then.... I'd rather my last memories of you be smiling. So come one let's give it a try. *Ahem* So is it just me or is that new outfit make you look hot? Date me." I snorted and had to cover my mouth from laughing.

    He was clearly trying to hard on purpose for a reaction. So I gave him one. "We can't be together then, I'll probably burn you." It actually made me feel better about it all and the only thing he did was say two sentences. "That's more like it!... A smile can go a long way especially in times like these. Now as guards we have to prepare everyone for battle. Even if you aren't accustomed to this village, we recognize you as a citizen. Come on m'lady."

Aphmau was told to turn in for the night and rest of us were put on sleeping schedules so that no one is tired in the morning. It took all my might not to say anything about Garroth and just go to sleep. 'And it all comes down to this.'

1438 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now