Chapter 2

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"Shit, shit, shit!"

    So my house is clean......but I can never find anything in here.
And when I look for something, I'll find everything but that. So now there is a boot in the China cabinet, a waffle on the ceiling, a knife in the closet, and a hole in the wall.

To: You
From ???: 23.

It suddenly dawned on me that I was looking for clothes, and the previous places that I tore apart, had nothing to do with clothes. With a kick and a yell, I grabbed a F/c dufflebag and stuffed multiple pairs of shirts, pants, jackets, socks, and underwear in it.

From ???: 12.

Then shoving a pair of flats, sandles, and gym shoes in along with a brush, comb and about 70 ponytails since I loss them all the time. There was only a little room left, so I decided to put in my mini speakers, a taser, my TOOTHBRUSH and a portable charger.

From ???: 5.

     I raised my hands up backing away from the bag. "Done!!" The windows were closed, so whoever this was couldn't even see me from outside. I already ransacked the place, so they couldn't be inside. It was frustrating to think about how whoever this was could see me. The texts stopped coming in again, and I pulled back out my phone to see what to do next.

From ???: destination. T minus 12.

'Jackpot.' I quickly searched up (dream place you want to go to). I've been wanting to go there forever. Why was I even doing this again? I don't believe the guy.

From ???: 5.

Another tab in my search was open, showing season one of Minecraft Diaries, episodes 49. With a snort, I turned to that tab instead. "Fine then, wise guy. Take me there." A small child like laugh bounced off the walls. It lit up one more time, showing a text that sent a chill up my spine.

From ???: Good choice.

     The room got darker, as my phone screen started spazzing out. It stung my hand so I quickly threw it onto the bed, taking a few steps back towards the door. "He put a virus on my phone?!?" I felt much lighter, being lifted off the ground, along with the packed bag. The room turned pitch black, even though it was mid morning.

     White, pixel like dots took over my phone, making its way the the space around it. They started latching onto my leg, making its way up. I couldn't feel that leg anymore, as it continued to spread.

     The duffle bag was completely covered. It glitches out, turning into pixels and going into my Cellphone. It was up to my neck now, and I felt nothing but numbness below that area. 'If I die, someone delete my search history!' Everything turned white after that.

    My eyes shot open. I was laying down under a tree in the middle of a forest. A slight breeze blew above me, rustling the leaves. A colony of ants were climbing across my wrist. I moved it slightly, and they started going around instead. I sat up slowly and took in my surroundings some more.

      Nowhere. I was literally in the middle of nowhere. I guess I was somewhere, but nowhere I knew. I didn't recognize the flowers, or the stream sitting past a few trees. The sun was blaring hot, opposite of the cold weather the was right outside my door. And like any normal person,
I started screaming at the top of my lungs.

      Now let me tell you this, I'm a very rational person. I can handle stressful situations. But this, this is bullshit. I sprung off the floor and did a quick 360 view. My eye twitched as a small headache took over. I was hot and uncomfortable in this new environment, ripping off the scarf. My phone buzzed, as it somehow got back into my pocket. I took it out checking what had came in.

To: You
From ???: Have fun.

"Who goes there?!"

Aphmau POV:

I was about to go meet Cadenza at the docks, when a scream let out from the forest. Me and Garroth both shared a look, then took off towards the sound. A good half mile or so away, was a girl who had her back to us. She had h/l h/c hair, strands sticking in random directions. This could have been a trap, and she could be waiting for us to come closer.

"Who goes there?!"

Garroth had his sword out as I only had my hand on mine. She tenses up and slowly turned around to look at us. Her e/c eyes widened when she saw the both of us, then began look between me and Garroth. "Who are you?" I asked, wanting to make at lease a little sense to the situation before making accusations.

     She looked way to strange to be from here. It was rare to find a woman wearing pants, along with the fact that her shirt looked too thick for the mild heat. A weird metal box in her hand, with something funny around her neck that connected to the box. "Most likely a bomb." Garroth whispered to me. She started laughing hysterically. So much, that tears began forming and falling out of her eyes.

     "Are you alright, ma'am?" I was starting to think she was just plain weird. "Nope!" She suddenly said with a large smile on her face. "Cause you're not real!" She pointed at me. "And you're not real!" Her hand pointed at Garroth. She started rambling on to herself. "I'm finally going crazy. Aphmau and Garroth are just right in front of me."

     We were both started on how she knew who we were, and Garroth had his helmet on. I glaced over at him, wondering what to do next. "Who are you and where did you come from?!" He yelled at her, raising his sword. She put the box in her pocket, and stuck out her hand. "I'm Y/n, and if you can shake my hand then I know if this is real or not! Not, which I highly believe!"

     She seemed so sure about what she is saying. I looked back over to Garroth, waiting to see if he wanted me to shake her hand or not. He hesitantly nodded. I turned back over to her, she still hadn't moved. "Well come on! I know you know what a handshake is." I reached out and grabbed her hand, shaking it while smiling back at her.

      "Hello. Nice to meet you Y/n." Her smile went away as she looked at our hands. Then up to my face, then back down, then over to Garroth, and back down again. She screamed bloody murder, then pushed me back. I fell down, and watched as she grabbed her bag and sprinted into the other direction.

     "H-hey! Come back here!" Garroth chased after her, me following behind. This was the weirdest incounter besides the crazy cat lady, that I had so far. The Y/n girl was gonna run right into a tree, when she jumped up and kicked off it.

Running straight in between the both of us, back towards Phoenix Drop. We both skidded to a stop, locking eyes again before followed after her. "Y/n! Come back!" We chased her all the way back to the plaza. She stopped running, and I finally got to catch my breath.

Y/n stood there for a second, before twirling around and squealing. She ran up to Brian and hugged him. "Brian!!!" She then booked it towards the other houses. "Do-do you know h-her?" I asked breathing heavily. He simply shook his head no.

I wanted to go after her, but Cadenza was waiting on me. "Garroth. Under any other circumstances, I would go after her myself. But Cadenza is distraught, and she needs to be taken to her father. I'm sorry I must leave." He seemed to stumble over his words for something to say, but I was already jogging back over to the docks; feel bad about the situation.

1359 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum