Chapter 25

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F/n=Fake name

Garroth POV:

Y/n, Lord Aphmau and Malachi had slept in. Lord Aphmau went inside of Lucinda's house to talk with her about our plans. I was checking in with the horses, while Dante was packing up while whistling. A groan came from inside the tent. "I have a fucking headache." Y/n tumble rolled out of the tent right next to Dante. "Shut the FUCK UP!" She drop kicked him from behind. His legs flew up as he fell down in slow motion. Dante let out a pained yelp once his back made contact with the ground. "Ugghh......... Y/N YOU'RE DEAD!"

They started back up another fight, like two siblings arguing over a cookie. Dante ended up pinning her, face down. "Ha, I win!" Y/n made the both of them roll over, having him in a choke hold. "You thought!" The two continued flipping over until they landed right at my feet. They both looked up at me before getting off of each other and standing up. Y/n did an over exaggerated bow. "Oh art thow Garroth Re'meave, eldest son to O'kasis, please forgive thine fight that thy has clearly won." Dante repeating her manner. "Thow must be hallucinating. Since it was thy who claim victorious to thine 'fight'.

The two were smiling and glaring at each other at the same time. I eventually burst out in laughter. They both joined in as Aphmau walked back out and over to Laurence. He had an aggravated look on his face. About another hour had passed before she came in our direction. This was gonna be a little hard to say. "Lord Aphmau, this is one rare accession where we're going to have you and Y/n head out before us." Aphmau looked a little concerned. "Why?" I let out a breath before continuing, "I fear anyone there finding out that you are a Lord would bring more bad attention than good. If the guard acting under the Jury of Nine finds out then....they might take you and try to convince you to join the O'kasis Alliance.... if that's the case, than us being there would only draw in even more unwanted attention."

   She understood almost immediately. I handed her a communication amulet to keep in touch with us. The two of them saddled up and went on their way. Lord Aphmau waved and Y/n did a small salute. I waved back as they rode off. A small sense of lose came over me, yet went away soon after. Upon turning a heal, Laurence was staring into my soul. After a moment though, he glanced away. That losing sense came back once more a lot stronger.

Y/n POV:

     My headache dispersed into the night's air as me and Aphmau rode along the random path of cobblestone just randomly there. The village was only about a mile away from Lucinda's house. I'm slightly surprised that we can't see it from how big it is. Pikaro was right in front of us when Aphmau started having second thoughts. "Oh no, oh no. O'kasis is here, they're gonna recognize me. Mission aboard, mission aboard." I put a hand out in front of her and then closed it. That got her to shut up. "No they aren't. Let's just get going before they get suspicious." She nodded and trotted up to one of them.

    "You there, travelers. There is a curfew set in motion right now. I will escort you to the hotel." We followed the guard inside, tying our horses up near the hotel doors. Once inside the same guard blocked the doorway, preventing us from leaving. I mentally rolled my eyes as Aphmau paid the Inn Keep 20 DIAMONDS. We had room three, so we simply walked up to it and passed out as soon as we touched the bed. Hey, even if I already slept all day, I'm still tired so step off. Waking up the next day, Aphmau was talking into the amulet with Blondie. 'Stay safe ma lord.'

     I was stretching out across my bed before getting up. "We should head down now Aph." She nodded and then walked out in front of me. When we tried to check out with the Inn Keep, he gave us a full refund from how the guards were forcing people to stay in his hotel. That we might need this money for food, and he wasn't the kind of person to just take. He was extremely sweet to even bring us up to date with what was happening in the village. Their lord was gone with a Jury member, as O'kasis has forced everyone into submission since the lord is away. Not even the head guard can do anything about it. But the kindest thing he did was give us new clothes to match our environment.

    We thanked him multiple times, as I gave him back five diamonds. The both of us left back upstairs to change. Aphmau had a beautiful purple dress with a new flower crown. She even did a little twirl.

why are dresses so pretty, yet not work for me? I love it, it's awesome but I don't do dresses

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

.................why are dresses so pretty, yet not work for me? I love it, it's awesome but I don't do dresses. I can't pull one off in my opinion, even though the dress says differently. It was a lovely multicolored dress with no sleeves. It was long, all the way to my ankles and light to wear. I had taken my braids down, so now my hair is super crinkly with a little bit of (choice) still in it.

 I had taken my braids down, so now my hair is super crinkly with a little bit of (choice) still in it

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

    Aphmau grabbed my hands and started spinning me around. "Ooohhhhhh~~~ you look so cute!!!!" We stayed there a while longer, sorting through all of our things. Hide the weapons? Check. Communicator? Check. Room key? Check. That seems to be all there is at the moment. We walked downstairs and showed the Inn Keep's wife her lovely dresses. She was super happy about it, and waved us off as we left out. Aphmau said she would ask the villagers if they had seen anyone who looked like lord Burt. I didn't want to stand around like a creep, so I just walked over to the tavern. This is where we had to go anyways.

    I sat in one of the stools in front of the Bar Keep. "What can I get ya, kid?" I shook my head while turning to the open window. "Nothing for now. I'm waiting on a friend to catch up." They nodded and went back to cleaning cups. After a while of doing nothing, the Bar Keep's eyes traveled behind me. 'Shit.' I slowly turned around expecting a normal guard, when my eyes widened. I was a little tempted to cry but faught it off. "Hello ma'am might I be one to buy you a drink?" I had to switch off of autopilot real quick, remembering that I can't let him know anything.

     "Sorry, sir but I don't drink." 'Heh, liar. Well, just not often.' He nodded, still with his half genuine smile up. "Well, would you like someone to keep you company?" I showed him that I wasn't interested in what he might be offering. "I'm good, thanks." Before he could say anything else, Aphmau walked inside. I started waving her over, "Mindy! Mindy!" She came over confused, before realizing what was happening. "Yeah F/n?"

1223 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें