Chapter 20

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Y/n POV:

Malachi has always been one of my absolute favorite characters. Seeing him that sad, started getting me in the feels. I'm still shooken up from how bad my worst fear actually was, but that's the only thing he knows how to do. Dante had gotten up from being asleep and was about to get in a fight with Weirdo and Blonde over Aphmau.

    "Y/n you kissed this guy, who is he?" Wait............WHAT?!' I was already on ten, and that just sent me to twenty five. I would have started the argument of the century, if Aphmau hadn't of covered my ears. All four of them started talking, while I couldn't hear anything. It made me question my humanity for a second, on how covering my ears blocked out all sound. It should have just muffled it, barely.

    After a good minute, Aphmau took her hands back. I wanted to ask what all that was about, but it didn't look like they would answer me. Malachi was even keeping quiet. I huffed out a breath and passed him over to Aphmau. She looked at me confused and slightly hesitant. I smiled softly, "I already know about him. You should get to know the kid. He's not as bad as you think."

I walked down the stairs, and started setting up the camp we would need. Garroth and Laurence came down, saying that they would be helping. I rolled my eyes, slightly tired. "I would have been able to do it myself, but thank you for the help." The two of them took over EVERYTHING instead of just 'helping'.

I merely stood back, waiting for one of them to embarrass themselves for entertainment. I internally groaned when that didn't happen. "By the way Y/n, when and why did you get braids?" Laurence asked out of no where. I had actually forgotten those were still in. "Hmm? Oh, yesterday and because stupid O'kasis guards were being stupid, and we had to disguise ourselves as stupid princess in stupid outfits."

A pebble hit me in the head, coming from in the direction of Aphmau. "Hey! Those outfits were not stupid. You looked really pretty." I shook my head at her. "Sure, but they were way out of my comfort zone." Aphmau had set Malachi down on one of the sleeping bags. "Well you looked fabulous."

My eyelids felt a little heavy, but I wasn't planing on falling asleep soon. 'Some freezing cold air might wake me up.' Walking towards the doors, Aphmau asked me where I was going. "I'm just taking a better look at the area. We weren't able to get a good look while running for our life's earlier. I'll be back by the time whatever conversation you have with everyone is over."

I got the ok, but was forced to take Garroth with me. There wasn't really any point to that. Since I wasn't going to leave outside of the castle. Once I walked out, I noticed how light it still was outside despite how tired I was. "So Blonde, how's it hanging?" I was perched upside down in a tree when I asked that question. He lightly laughed then copied me on the branch next to mine. "It's hanging perfectly fine, Lady Y/n."

"You want to go little man?" I went higher up the tree, then stood up on the branch. "Come at me bro." Garroth being Garroth, didn't back down from the challenge. We both kept climbing higher, leading to the top of the tree. There was only one branch up there, so we both were standing on the same one, trying not to fall off. The position was a little strange. Garroth was facing me and had one hand on base of the tree, yet I was closer to it. Yup.

There was no time to even make it awkward, when the branch broke off and fell to the floor. The tree wasn't really that tall; so it basically was like slipping on the stairs and then landing on your ass at the bottom. "Again!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "No." Garroth responded and we both walked back inside laughing with each other.

Upon stepping back into the warm fire lit area, I got twice as tired at I was before. Malachi was now asleep and Aphmau looked about as tired as me. I took out my sleeping bag, and then gave it to Aphmau. "Huh? Oh, Y/n thank you but where are you gonna sleep?" I put a finger to my mouth, telling her to quiet down. I didn't want the guys worrying for no reason.

"Over there." Aphmau had barely bothered to look at were I was pointing before passing out. I sighed quietly, and then placed my book bag down on the floor as a pillow. I then laid down and closed my eyes, going out like a light. It only felt like 5 minutes had passed, when I opened them again. But the fire had gradually burned out meaning it's been a while. I also noticed that I was inside of a sleeping bag and Garroth was where I was occupied.

He was sleeping with his helmet off and one eye open, but wasn't able to react fast enough. I smacked him in the head with my pillow multiple times. Waking up both Dante and Laurence. "Hey, hey!" I hit him one more time before stopping. "Dickhead. I didn't ask anyone to move me. There was clearly only five spots. And I chose the floor for a reason."

I could have just said thank you, but I wanted him think about himself a little more. He only blinked before laughing at me. "You're welcome Y/n, and I appreciate the concern." 'Crap, did I say that out loud?' His hair was a mess from the sudden attack, but it looked cute that way. He only had a tired smile on his face under my glaring. I hit Garroth once again with the pillow, before going over to Aphmau and waking her up.

"Aphmau, we should leave now so that Malachi can have a smooth transition with leaving." She immediately sprang up, sleep nowhere visible in her face. "Lets go! Lets go!" I stood up and stretched out, letting my bones pop before packing away everything that I took out. That being nothing. So I put out the remains of the fire, leaving the camp fort still there.

All the guys walked out with Malachi to the gate. I slightly didn't want to go out there, already knowing what there was. Yet I still went out. Malachi was crying again, because the castle wouldn't let him leave. A large barrier blocking him in. Aphmau, Garroth and Dante made a plan of splitting up to go find a Monk or a Priest. Laurence was going to be staying behind with Malachi. I wasn't going to be of any help, so I decided to stay here also.

They all then left their separate ways off. I got extremely agitated once I remembered that this was the part when a curtain axe murdering bastard got his lines in the movie. I don't care how traumatic his past is. He ruined two ships. TWO. SHIPS. None is forgiven. I crouched down to Malachi's level.

"Hey, how about we play a game?" Just something to distract him for a while. "What kind of game?" Malachi seemed interested in what I was planning. "A game called, Tag!" I turned around and tapped Laurence, before running off with Malachi. The two of us were giggling like crazy, as Laurence finally caught on to what happened. "That's cheating!"

"No it isn't ya liar! Now try and tag us! "I pointed down at Malachi, to try and see if he would get the hint. Luckily he did, and started chasing after him. Malachi turned invisible and scampered off somewhere else in the castle. My face paled, since I forgot he could do that. 'Damn it.' I was then tackled to the floor, rolling for a second before landing with Laurence on top of me.


I rolled my eyes and pushed him off. We both stood up brushing off the snow. "We should go inside and search for him. That place is pretty big, so it would be better if I go one way and you go the other." Laurence agreed and we went back inside. Lets just do a time skip of 7 hallways, 4 libraries, 5 bathrooms and 9 bedrooms later. I found Malachi in his room, hiding behind the door.

"Malachi, we were playing tag not hide and seek!" I let out a relieved laugh. Looking around, the room was really dusty. Cobwebs clouded over everything in the room. Malachi noticed me looking about. "Yeah, this is my room. It's not in the best of shape at the moment." I walked out for a second, before coming back in with some brooms and dusters that I had passed while searching for the kid. "Than why don't we fix that?"

1503 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now