Chapter 29

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Garroth POV:

    My armor suddenly became super hot and in the heat of the moment, I tore my helmet off and stormed off into the forest. No particular direction nor a purpose as to why. I was a little bit unsettled from when we rescued the two Lords. Then Laurence said he confessed to Y/n, and now I'm nothing but upset.

'Stop. You're over reacting and being irrational!'

But then why am I doing that?

'You already know why.'

My feet stopped moving on their own. But I no longer tried to move them. Why? Why am I upset?

'Because you like her.'

But.....but then why am I also, relieved?

'She didn't give Laurence an answer.'

I breathed out a laugh before slumping against a tree. All this was giving me a headache, and it hasn't even been 5 minutes. There was a small pond close by, drawing me towards its coolness from my rising temperatures. I slowly calmed down as the water soaked my face and hair. My reflection stared back at me, almost shouting out how pathetic I looked. The steadiness of the scenery rung in my ears overlapping the dwelling thoughts on past events.

'Stop pitying yourself. This is not the time nor place.'

I sat back down at the tree from before, looking out onto nothing. I like Y/n, I'll admit that. But I want to know specifically what I like about her. I was taught when I was way younger, that I shouldn't like a girl only for her looks. She already knows that she's beautiful. I should like her for all the things that 1) remind me of my mother, 2) I remember about her, and 3) she does to make me feel better in any situation.

Y/n. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, nor has she backed out of a conflict she caused. Much like my mother. Y/n stays up later than mosts. She'll make it obvious when she likes/dislikes something. She has the wonderfully imaginative mind of a child when it comes to most things. Along with her having habits to both, sleep in basically her undergarments and bug you until you comply with whatever it is she wanted help with. Easy things to remember about her. Y/n may not be the most positive person and she is one to tease; but every time I've felt down, she's given me a sincere advice. I can't count how many times I've avoided eye contact once she's done that. Y/n's made me at least 2 flower crowns when I was showing uncertainty or conflict. Even when she tried to force me into a women's dress, I hadn't been in the best mood before then. It definitely was a lot better after that. More occasions than I can count has my emotions been effected in a positive way, by this complicated woman.

From the muscles in my cheeks cramping, was when I noticed that was smiling to myself. The sun was no longer in sight, so at least an hour or two had gone by from when I first left off. I rubbed the brims of my eyes before, returning my helmet to its normal spot. I surprisingly hadn't walked a few ways away. Aphmau and Dante were having a conversation, while Laurence was cleaning his blades.

He clearly saw me in his peripheral vision from the way he hesitated, before cleaning more vigorously with furrowed brows. My conscious directed me to stride in his direction. Stopping in front of him, I ruffled his hair with a low laugh. Laurence looked up to me, shocked and confused. "You beat me to the punch, but I still have a chance you know!" Laurence blinked and let out a mischievous grin. "Yeah right! I'll be upping my game if she doesn't hate me!"

We shared a (bro) hug, still being on good terms with each other. The sky began pouring right after. Lord Aphmau was watching as droplets fell onto her hand, when it was suddenly grabbed and she was being dragged away. A blur of cool colors, signaled that it wasn't a threat. They both stopped behind a few trees, a ways away. Lord Aphmau started violently shaking Y/n by her arms. She was clearly saying something, but they were way to far out of earshot.

   Y/n grabbed onto Lord Aphmau's hands to get her to stop, and then shook her back just as hard. Y/n seemed slightly panicked and was talking fast. Using wild hand jesters while pacing up and down. Lord Aphmau's mouth moved, making a comment in some way. Y/n stopped walking before she shot her head back in an irritated manner. The two were going back and forth again until Y/n staggered back with hesitation. Then her eyes widened and she pointed an accusing finger at Lord Aphmau, who immediately started looking guilty while trying to deny something.

    I heard Laurence heave a sigh. "Wanna bet they're talking about me?" I hummed what sounded like a laugh, still watching their display. Y/n then pinched the bridge of her nose before crossing her arms and faced away. Lord Aphmau wiped her head in our direction. She slowly waved while grinning ear to ear. We all saw Y/n jump in place and almost sprain her neck, turning around. Lord Aphmau was being shook again as Y/n talks with a large smile on her face. She then stopped before clapping and jumping around.

    Lord Aphmau looked to want to say something in reply, but covered her mouth with her hand.  The conversation ended soon after, with Y/n dragged Lord Aphmau back to her previous spot. And then darting to the tent, grabbing a backpack, before sprinting into Lucinda's house. "Laurence!" Lord Aphmau called out from where she was seated. "You're not in as much trouble as you think!" Laurence walked forward. "Well, what was she all smiley about?"

    Lord Aphmau shook her head in a disappointed manner. "Y/n's stuck on wanting thinks on a timeline. She was going on about a 'Ship still sailing' and 'Things being less messy in the future.' I honestly don't know what I can say to her. She probably has never been in that kind of situation and doesn't know how to react properly. She's looking at thinks in a logical manner, trying to avoid any conflict."

Y/n had came back out of Lucinda's house, now dressed in baggy green jogging pants that got tight at her ankles, and a sleeveless grey shirt with combat boots. She looked over at us and then raised an eyebrow.

"What? I already told you that I don't do dresses."

Y/n stragglers off to a nearby tree before climbing it and laying her head down against the backpack. Aphmau sighed once more. "Lets leave her be for now."

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