Chapter 48

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Y/n POV:

   I felt terrible. I lied about the amulet and they all knew that I lied. It wasn't like I could of done it with a straight face, this amulet is currently the root of all evil and I was brought into it all. Logan came back in with Oliver after about 15-20 minutes. I drowned out their noise since all Oliver wanted was to get paid to give us information(that was actually valuable even though it didn't sound like it). He told his story and left out to finish setting up his booth at 2:00 IN THE MORNING.

   Lucinda explained the connections between the story and our current problem. "I think we should keep the amulet and make sure no one knows where it is." The rest of us thought that a good thing to do with it. "Agreed. This matter will be discussed in private between guards. Everyone, thank you for coming out tonight. Please head home and get some rest, do not worry. Laurence, Dante, Brian and I will keep this village safe. This meeting is adjourned."

   Zoey quickly brought some light before we left out. "Oh, remember! I'm throwing Kiki a baby shower tomorrow in her barn house. All ladies and gents are invited!" Dale shooed her off. "It's just a huge hen clucking fest! I ain't going but I'll send a present!" Logan agreed with his arms crossed. "Same, last thing I want to do is talk about babies." Dante gave him a sad-ish look. "Babies are cute though."

    Aphmau nodded at that before Laurence chirped up looking cocky. "My babies would be major cuties. just announcing that to the world in case some beautiful girl wants beautiful babies." I gagged as Aphmau and the other girls laughed. "Meeting adjourned."

   Everyone piled out to go to their respective homes. I ran a hand down my face from both the tiredness and stress that meeting caused. But it's nothing compared to the guards, they are still in there. Zoey and Aphmau were talking right outside, since Aphmau was stressed also and Zoey was trying to chill her out. Her soothing motherly nature ended up working in the end and Aphmau followed after her. I smiled before heading off to my home.


    I woke up to the sound of knocking. Not at my door, but I had a wooden plank attached to the bottom of the treehouse if anyone wanted my attention. "coming, I'm coming." I openned my door and looked over the deck. "Oh, good morning Garroth." He was(like he promised) without his helmet. "Lady Y/n... Good morning. Please allow me to escort you to the baby shower today." I laughed laying my arms on the rail. "Garroth, I'm fine walking by myself." I had an eyebrow raised at his persistence on a walk.

    Aaaaand the stuttering is back. "I-I know you are.... It's just with all the changes and crazy things happening in the village... I'm worried of your safety. Please, just allow me? I already escorted Zoey, Lord Aphmau, Levin and Malachi to the shower this morning...please let me do the same for you? To put my mind at ease?" I should give the guy a break. of course he is worried, he's the head guard of an entire village.

   I sighed before smiling, "Alright fine, just give me a sec." I walked back inside and was about to throw something on, when something caught my eye. There was a cute summer dress in my bag. It was cream colored with lilac flowers, super loose and flowy with long sleeves and it went down to my mid thigh. I didn't pack this, where did it come from? A piece of paper fell off as I picked it up.

I made this shit for you,

so wear it or die.


    Of course it was Cadenza. I sighed once more before putting it on instead. One side fell over my shoulder once I had it on. I was just gonna put on my gym shoes no matter what I wore, and it actually didn't look that bad. "Alright!" I yelled out getting on my platform and getting to ground level where Garroth was. Despite last night, I was in a pretty good mood. Garroth looked my outfit over before making a remark. "I thought you didn't like dresses." we were both walking now. "It's not a dress, it's a long shirt." I hooked my arm with his and continued going. like I said, I was in a good mood.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now