Chapter 6

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Aphmau POV:

"Hey Aphmau, do you think that--" Garroth was interrupted by Zane coming over. "Long time no see, big brother." WHHAAAAAT?!?! A chair was then thrown past us. We all turned in the direction it came from. Y/n looked pissed off. "Zane you little shitwad! Stop ruining my ship! He was just about to ask her something!"

     Zane only turned around and went back to what he was talking about. According to him, Garroth is the run away--supposedly dead--prince of O'kasis. Garroth is suppose to return to be forcefully married to the daughter of Scaleswind. After Zane left, Y/n just continued to mutter cursings under her breath. Garroth was clearly upset, and almost flustered? But I don't think that he'll listen to me. I tried to at least make him budge, which ended up in him saying that we'll talk tomorrow. I sighed in defeat and began walking back to my house.

     Y/n had somehow set one of the other chairs on fire and was watching as it burned. I tapped her on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "Talk to Garroth. Even if he won't converse with Zane, please calm him down." I smiled at her and she nodded, giving me a thumbs up. I then walked up the stairs, but hid behind a tree.

     Those two look cute together, even if Y/n just got here the other day. I want to see what happens. Y/n put some sand on the fire to make it go out, before coming over to the stairway opposite of Garroth. 'What's she doing?' Instead of going up the stairs, she picked a few blue, yellow, F/c and S/fc flowers. "Garroth." Y/n called out, walked back over to him.

     He still looked pretty upset, while Y/n was only smiling the whole time. She stood in front of him, seeming to be weaving together the blue and yellow flowers, while not even looking at them. Garroth looked confused and slightly uncomfortable. I wanted to laugh but held it in. "You may rant now," Y/n suddenly said. And just like that, he went OFF.

    I couldn't really tell what he was saying, but it must have been a heavy load. At the end of the rant, Y/n had made two flower crowns out of the flowers. The blue and yellow one she placed on Garroth's head, and the F/c and S/fc one on her head.  "You feel better now?" He touched the crown before bursting into laughter.

    When Garroth regained his composure, he wore a smile. "Yes I do. Thank you lady Y/n, I never got the chance to tell you that you look and looked lovely this evening." He did a small bow to her. Y/n only giggles and curtsied as best she could without a dress on. I smiled to myself the quietly walked the rest of the way up to my house.

Garroth POV:

"What had you ended up doing at the wedding?" The question randomly came out. Lady Y/n thought about it for a second. "Hmm. I guess go against Dale drinking root beer and sit around." I was surprised on how she wasn't at all tipsy. "Are you ok?" She snorted at the question.

"Ok, course I'm ok. Where I come from, there is actually something called alcohol and root beer doesn't have any in it." I let the answer pass, and we simply just talked. "I saw you and Aphmau dancing. It was the best thing ever." My face heated up some after that. "W-well, did you do anything else that sit and watch us?" She simply shook her head, no.

It seemed slightly weird doing this, but I did it anyways. "Well then, would you like to dance at all?" Lady Y/n put her hands up and took a step back. "Nope, not gonna happen. I can't dance for the life of me." With a small chuckle, I stepped closer to her again. "Everyone has to be bad at something. Would you like to or not?" She sighed and took out that phone thing. "Fine but if anything, we're dancing to music."

Lady Y/n set the phone down as some weird music(pick something) started playing out of it. She grabbed my hand with an awkward smile. I gave her one back and spun her around. She wobbled on her feet for a second before getting her balance back. Lady Y/n then put both her hands in mine, stepping back as I stepped forward. The stepping forward as I stepped back. Going in a pattern around in a circle.

Lady Y/n then took one of her arms out, spinning back in. Just for the fun of it, I did the same. We both were laughing as she then spun me around. "I guess we switched rolls then." I said with a hint of sarcasm. "I guess so." It was oddly relaxing even though what just happened no longer than 10 minutes ago.

Eventually the song went off, and our movement ceased. Lady Y/n was trying to catch her breath, which made me laugh under mine. "That was an experience. Thank you Sir Garroth." She said with much over exaggeration. I bowed once more. "You're welcome lady Y/n." I said back, before we both were laughing again. She left, going back to the jail house to sleep.

Hmm, that gives me an idea.


It was early and I was tired, but I wanted to surprise her today. She can't stay in the jail house forever. Plus I have a bad feeling about Zane right now. My helmet was still off for the time being, but I had long since changed out of the clothes from yesterday. Walking to the jail house, I could see Lady Y/n looking a little upset and waiting outside Molly's house.

"Are you alright, Lady Y/n?" I purposely exaggerated that one word to change her current mood. She turned over to me slightly startled to see me there. "Oh, hello again Sir Garroth. Yes I'm quite alright, simply waiting on someone." I nodded my head, having an idea or two on who she might be waiting on.

"Since said person isn't here yet, would you kindly follow me, please?" It felt strange how I was overly excited over this. "Where are you trying to take me? Hopefully not an empty ally to dispose of my remains." I gave a slight chuckle, shaking my head. "I can assure you that I have no plans on harming you in any way."

"Then lets go then!" I instructed Lady Y/n to close her eyes as we turned left in the direction of lady Aphmau's house. Back into the woods that she first arrived in. "Alright you can look." Lady Y/n uncovered her eyes, and started running around like a hyper active child. There was a smallish house in a large tree, with both a loose and built in ladder.

Lady Y/n climbed inside, as I watched her pass by different windows. "I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!" She climbed back down, jumping up and tackled me to the floor. "I'm glad you do!" I fully showed Lady Y/n all the rooms, the added crafting tables in case she comes along something she might like. Her whole face lit up even more, upon seeing that though. We both walked back to the village area after the 'tour' was over.

1237 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now